Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

The kindest brother in the world

The kindest brother in the world

Birthday: 13.07.2014
$ 190.46
(Donors: 60)

The kindest brother in the world

Smile, friends! It was you who made little Mago happy! His smile is addressed to you personally! I dreamed the most about a bicycle. But when it was brought to me, my older sister rode it first.  It turns out she also dreamed about it throughout her childhood. I let her ride because she's a girl. Then Mom said I should also let our younger brother have a turn. And once he started riding, he didn't want to get off. But then it was finally my turn!  I don't know how to ride yet, and Mom is supporting me. But next time you come to visit us, I'll meet you on my bike and even give you a ride!