Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

I sleep and see me scoring goals and everyone screaming my name!

I sleep and see me scoring goals and everyone screaming my name!

Birthday: 14.03.2012
$ 101.87
(Donors: 7)

I dream and see myself scoring goals, and everyone is chanting my name!

I wanted to become a football player, but now I don't know what I will become. I thought I would start playing football, that my mom would buy me boots and a uniform, and that I would play better than everyone else. But I climbed a tree, fell down, and they put a cast on my leg. 

Now I imagine myself as a great football player who got injured during the decisive match. Journalists ask me, "Didn't it hurt, Nikoloz? Will you still play?" But how can I play when my mom can't even buy me a ball and boots? I mean, how? And I also need a uniform. And a tablet to watch different matches and learn how others play!