Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

You have revived my dreams from the ashes!!!

You have revived my dreams from the ashes!!!

Birthday: 10.05.2013
$ 108.86
(Donors: 18)

You have revived my dreams from the ashes!!!

Let's smile, my friends! It's because of all of you that little Nodar is filled with happiness! His smile is meant just for you!

Nodiko: Recently, my house burned down. And everything in it burned!  Thankfully, we were spared from harm. I'm incredibly grateful for that. But what hurt the most was losing my brand-new bicycle. When you mentioned that many people would want to fulfill my dream, I didn't believe you, so now I feel quite ashamed. I even thought you were lying! But now, here it is, my new bicycle, rising from the ashes as if by magic.