Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

I didn't know how to dream, and you taught me!

I didn't know how to dream, and you taught me!

Birthday: 02.03.2017
$ 133.08
(Donors: 27)

I didn't know how to dream, and you taught me!

Let's smile, my friends! It's because of all of you that little Salome is filled with happiness! Her smile is meant just for you!

Sonia: I forgot all the words! Just a little more now - and tears will flow from me! I still can't believe it. I can't believe he's mine! I don't know what I did to deserve such a gift! I'm really going to cry tears of joy now. Dear God! You heard me, you fulfilled my wish. What are the names of these people who gave me all this? I want to write letters to all of them and thank them. Can you then pass letters on to them?  Is it possible? And please tell them the following: 'You're the kindest because you managed to fulfill my wish!  I promise to study hard and be a very good girl. And when I grow up, I'll help other children too!'