Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Let me take you for a ride, girl!

Let me take you for a ride, girl!

Birthday: 12.02.2018
$ 85.19
(Donors: 16)

Let me take you for a ride, girl!

Let's smile, my friends! It's because of all of you that little Abraam is filled with happiness! His smile is meant just for you!

Abram: If you were little, I would have taken you for a ride on my new bicycle. But you're big - very big, actually! Probably won't fit! I'm so happy right now, ready to ride around the whole city and show off.  I want to shout, "Look, this is my real bicycle!!!! Hoorayyyyyyyyy" - that's how I would shout... but I'm shy. But in my heart, I'm shouting like that! Thank you very much! Very, very much!