Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

The boy who cannot walk now flies with happiness!

The boy who cannot walk now flies with happiness!

$ 256.87
(Donors: 74)

Beka: You know, kids like me don't have many wishes! I can't dream of a bike to ride, or sportswear to play football. I can't walk, I can't even sit on a chair. The only thing I dreamed about was a computer or a tablet. But you know, a tablet is better - I can watch it even when I'm lying down. 

- Do you like it? Are you happy?

Beka: Are you kidding? I just fly with joy! I have already downloaded chess - I will learn to play. Here you can also play with real people online! That's lovely! Maybe I will find friends - children like me?

- What would you say to those kind people who fulfilled your dream?

Beka: I would wish them to never get sick, and to have two hundred times more money, so that they could fulfill everyone’s wishes!