Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

We watched the World Cup on our new TV!

We watched the World Cup on our new TV!

$ 158.43
(Donors: 12)

Luka: I love football, I am  Messi’s fan. You cant even imagine how cool it is to watch him play on your TV. We used to ask the neighbors, “can we watch at your place, or can we come to you to watch” - and now we have the most “huge” TV. And the most colorful ... and the most beautiful!

- It means we managed to fulfill your most cherished dream.

Luka: Yes! The only thing that could be cooler than this is to watch the championship live!I probably won't be able to watch the next one - I'll still be too young. But I will definitely watch the one that will be in 12 years right at the stadium! Do you think Messi will still play or will he become too old?