Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

The cherished dream of Tika came true!

The cherished dream of Tika came true!

$ 163.69
(Donors: 63)
I want to call mom when I feel sick
- Tika, do you go to school?
Tika: Yes. But I not always like to go there.
Oh... Can you tell me why?
Tika: Because when I feel sick, I want to call mom, but I can’t. I have no phone. All my classmates have phones and I want to have one too.
- What else would you do with your new phone?
Tika: I would take photos... I love taking photos, but I can't even dream of a camera... I would start with a phone, learn how to take pictures ... I would also send messages to my classmates sometimes... I would call my mom and my sisters and brothers more often. And then, I would continue to study calmly...