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A story telling that one can be happier being dead than alive

calendar September 9, 2019

One call saves life!

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“My mother is my soul” – barely whispering lips of 46-year-old critically ill Edisher Chaava are saying!

Our Fund’s accounts in:

Bank of Georgia

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Bank Code:




GE64BG0000000470458000 GE64BG0000000470458000


TBC Bank

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Bank Code:




GE15TB7194336080100003 GE15TB7194336080100003


Liberty Bank

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Bank Code:




GE42LB0115113036665000 GE42LB0115113036665000


Charity Number: One call saves a life!

Phone number:


“I did not manage to protect him! And what
am I going to tell my husband when I meet him soon in heaven?” – bitterly
replies Tatiana, a 70-year-old old woman exhausted by her grief.

Poor thing! She feeds her son with a spoon and
a bottle.

And then he needs help in the bathroom, and in
many other things. And she is 70 years old already. God help me!

“My little son was born healthy and
blooming” – she continued. “I thanked God!” We were so happy!

– What happened?

– Kidneys started hurting. I wanted to take him
to the doctor. But he’s an adult… Did not listen and went to the witch
doctor… and drank her cursed potion! Just a few drops and he fell down on the
floor! He fainted. When he regained consciousness, his legs were gone forever.

Which one of us could stand it, friends?!
Georgian mothers need monuments in their lifetime!

Edisher’s legs are paralyzed, his kidneys are
damaged, his liver is enlarged, his whole body is swollen! Oh, what a grief!
Could it be worse?! How can we leave them without help?

– Is Edisher’s condition improving?

Tatiana Chaava:  No. And now I don’t know
which of us will die first!

Edisher: “I dream to see Dad in heaven, as
I have never seen him in my life!”

– Tatiana, when did your husband die?

Tatiana Chaava:  Thank you so much for
recalling my husband. My poor Valera, he died in a car accident. I was five
months pregnant at that time. The death of my husband was a big sorrow for me.
You know how it happens? When a bird flies with one wing…
The mother and her son are starving. Edisher needs diet food. That’s why he’s
now grade four obese. Social allowance, 100 lari, is mainly spent on medicines.

– And your pension?

Tatiana Chaava: 4 years ago, when my son’s
disease began to progress dramatically, I borrowed money and now my pension is
spent on this debt.

 – Does
anyone help you?

Tatiana Chaava:  Neighbors help as they
can; they are also poor and their help is hardly tangible in material terms,
but in moral terms it is a huge support. They come, console me, encourage
Edisher, call the ambulance… and here local authorities don’t help

– You said “practically.” So, they
still do help?

Tatiana Chaava: Last year the municipality gave
us 100 lari for medicines. Now they want to connect our shack to gas supply,
and the state promised to make it free of charge.

The mother and the son live in a wooden
barrack. They don’t have a bathroom, the floor is about to collapse and the
ceiling is leaking.

– When did you build this hut?

Tatiana Chaava:  I built this cabin 46
years ago with my own hands. My husband was from the neighboring Gali district
of Abkhazia; I lived there for a while, but after his death I decided to return
home. I bought this small plot and began to build a house for me and my son.

– I would say that the conditions are terrible.

Tatiana Chaava: Oh, you said it. It is a
nightmare. We have a bathroom in the yard. Recently there was a strong
hurricane and our wooden toilet tent was lifted into the air and blown to
pieces. Now I have no toilet, so I need to go to the neighbors’ place.
– Tell me please, why did not you get married once more?

Tatiana Chaava: I loved my husband so much. He
was in his second year of law school when the accident happened. When Valera
was dying in the hospital, I prayed for a long time and made a vow to God – I
will be faithful to him until the end of my days, if only the child in my womb
survived, because my stress state gave no hope for it. In the end, God wanted
my Edisher to be born. It is the will of God.

– Do you dream about your husband often?

Tatiana Chaava: I dream about him a lot, but my
dreams are blurry. And recently, I saw him in a dream, and he said –
“Receive guests!” I woke up sweating, and I couldn’t even guess which
guests he was talking about. After a few hours the door is opened, and there
you stand! This was a prophetic dream. 
Now I know that the good people who will read about us will help my son,
and I will pray for them. Now I’ll go and light a candle for the health of your

Friends, we have told you another story about a
distressed family. They need medicines, food, a washing machine and a refrigerator.
We hope your heart will not remain indifferent. You can also support Tatiana
and Edisher by calling them. We will also be grateful to you for reposting this
heartbreaking story.

If you want to visit the family, here’s the
address: Zugdidi municipality, Rukhi village, tel.: 592186127.

Our Fund account GE15TB7194336080100003,
GE42LB0115113036665000 or GE64BG0000000470458000 (purpose: Chaava Family). You
can also transfer money from our website.

You can as well transfer money from the
terminals of Nova Technology, TBCpay and ExpressPay. Find our Fund in
“Charity” section. (You can learn about the additional rights and
obligations of the Fund by following the link

Everyone is obliged to help and support his
neighbor if he wants to be helped in misfortune!

Dec 04, 2019
washing machine
Dec 04, 2019
Jan 01, 2020
fund overhead
Jan 01, 2020

Total expenses:



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They need your help urgently