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A tale of real distress!

calendar July 12, 2021

One call saves life!

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Read it on! This is a tale of real distress, and there are only three characters in it: 6-year-old Nikoloz, his mother Nana and grandmother Irma.
Nikoloz became mute after a car hit him.

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Read it on! This is a tale of real distress, and there are only three characters in it: 6-year-old Nikoloz, his mother Nana and grandmother Irma.

Nikoloz became mute after a car hit him.

He is the firstborn child in the family! So cute! “He’s a real angel,” the doctors said. He had snow-white skin, huge eyes, and golden hair. They named him after St Nicholas the Wonderworker. Nika grew up to be a healthy and smart little boy. He started talking, learned to count, he was ahead of his peers in development. He declaimed poems, and he had a really good temper. The boy almost never cried, he was kind, affectionate and obedient.

What else could mom wish for? The mom, whose life was not easy at all, the mom who deemed Nikoloz to be a gift given to her for all the suffering she has endured. To list all of them, you need to start from her early childhood. Would you like to know? Sure. When we learn more about a person, when we learn what is hidden deep in his soul, when he opens his heart to us and shares his pain with us, he becomes closer to us. Do you agree with me? Who knows better? Friends, when we share someone’s suffering, we become closer to God. That makes God see our hearts burning with empathy.

We made this interview with the grandmother because it was hard for the mother to recall and tell us everything. We can understand her. It is not easy to recall how your only child was hit by car and you have no idea whether it’s the end or if some hope is still left.

“Don’t keep quiet, baby, say “ma-ma””

Irma, let’s start with the tragedy. How it happened so that Nikoloz was hit by car?

Irma: We enjoyed life, laughed, and walked all together: Nika, his mother and me, his grandmother. I held Nikoloz’s hand, and we crossed the road. There was always quite a heavy traffic on the street. I held him tight. We crossed the road first, and his mother stayed on the other side of the road. When we have crossed the road, he saw his mother on the other side, broke free from me and rushed to her. A huge SUV, which was racing at high speed, managed to abruptly drive around him, but the car that followed did not have enough time to put on the brakes… It happened in a matter of seconds. The blow threw him up… (Cries.) It is my fault… I didn’t hold him well… How did he manage to break out? I have no excuses…

– Irma, take a breath, it’s a miracle that he survived…

Irma: When a shock wave threw Nikoloz up, he flew over to the other side of the road. And, can you imagine, he did not fall on the asphalt! His mom caught him on the fly. Is not it a miracle? He landed right in his mom’s arms! Everyone who witnessed that were shocked. You know, if he would have fallen on the road another car could have hit him. And he would not have been with us now. God’s angels picked him up! They gave him the second life.

“I am holding him tight not to let him run away from me.”

– Did the driver who hit him run away?

Irma: He did not. It was a young guy who drove the car, he barely got out of the car, all pale and crying… It was not his fault. He fell on his knees and asked the Lord to save Nikoloz. I have no right to blame the driver for anything. Thank the Lord that everything happened this way. The guy calls us sometimes, asks how the boy is feeling.

– I can imagine what have you experienced…

Irma: It is completely my fault! I did not manage to hold him properly. He had not had even a scratch! No injury! Is not a miracle? But he quitted talking after that. God gave him life but took away his powers of speech… His behavior changed a lot. And we have been trying to get him out of his shock for three years now. He needs rehabilitation, the help of a psychologist and speech therapist. The state financed one year of rehabilitation, and now we are trying to go on by ourselves. But it just doesn’t work. While I was able to work, I did my best, but then I fell from this damned tree and survived by a miracle…

“Beat me, baby! Beat me strongly! Please forgive me – I failed guarding you.”

– What do you mean?

Irma: I climbed it to pick cherries for Nikoloz. I did that quite often – we cannot afford buying fruits. And I fell off it … Now I can’t work, and the only thing we live on now is social allowance.

Irma fell from this tree and miraculously survived

– It is terrible that one casualty can change everything.

Irma: I can’t say that we used to live well before the accident I am a single mother too and have lived such a hard life that I would not wish it on my enemy.

– Could you please tell me?

Irma: Are you really interested? It is full of pain and suffering. I don’t like recalling my past, but I will tell you everything.

“My beautiful life is left only on photos.”

My parents loved me. I thought that they loved me. They never told me “no” to anything, but when my husband kidnapped me at the age of 14, they told me: “Now he is your family, we are no longer responsible for you.” Can you imagine that? I was only 14 years old! And my husband was 14 years older. He was a monster. I still wanted to play with dolls, but became someone’s wife…

I was beautiful, and he was very jealous on account of me. Of anything and of anyone. God forbid anyone to greet me when we walked together. He would certainly have beat me. We lived together for four years. Nana – mother of Nikoloz – was born the first. My condition because of the beatings and being nervous affected her health. She has a congenital heart defect. We kept going to hospitals for eleven years without getting out. And my husband beat me cruelly. I begged my parents to let me back home, but they refused. They said: “Your husband is your master, be patient. If he beats you – it means there is some reason for that” I know a lot of people read your articles. Can I address them? Girls, never tolerate this! This is not why God gave you life! And you, parents, never turn away from your daughters!

“That’s how beautiful I once was.”

– Did you endure it for a long time?

Irma: For four years. And then I took the children and left. My parents could not accept me, so I moved between rented apartments for 28 years. I worked hard and put my children on their feet. And I did not let anyone to harm my daughter.

– That’s what I wanted to ask you about. Could you please tell us about Nikoloz’s mom – your daughter Nana.

Irma: My daughter is so misfortunate. She was unlucky both with her health and her personal life. I am a single mother, and she, being tree-month-pregnant came and told me that she could not live there anymore, that her heart ached, that she wanted to enjoy seeing her child for a longer time, and not become a victim of nerves. I immediately took her to my place. I didn’t even ask her what happened. My daughter will never live in place she does not like and where she feels bad.

– And what was the reason that she was left alone?

Irma: Let’s say they are just incompatible. When his family learned about my daughter’s illness, they gave up on her and her child. Nikoloz has his mother’s surname. My daughter is officially a single mother. But they have me! I will not let anyone to offend them.

– Does the child’s father pay attention to him?

Irma: No. Neither before nor after the accident.

– Did anyone help you when you were alone?

Irma: No. I did everything alone. I worked. I cleaned, looked after seriously ill individuals, worked in the garden, in the field. But I never deprived my children of anything. I have never asked anyone for anything, and I would not have asked for help now, but I cannot work so far. Therefore, I have to ask. I have nothing of my own. This building also does not belong to us, and I don’t know when they will throw us out of here.

– And what is this building?

Irma: It is former police building. We occupied this place with no permission. Bu it is better than nothing. The allowance is enough only for food – and even then, it is barely enough. And we are not able to pay the rent.

– Irma, let’s summarize our conversation. You have a roof over your head. What do you need the most right now?

Irma: Yes you are right. There is a roof – it is good. But, you know, it is very hard to live on social allowance when there is no help from anywhere. The child had everything when I was able to work. Both doctors and treatment. And now we simply cannot take him to the city to a speech therapist. You know, you will not guess at first glance that he is sick, but he needs the help of a specialist. If we don’t work with him now, he will never become able to talk. I blame myself for this. Do you know what I mean?

The angel-faced kid sometimes turns into a fiend.

– And what is his sickness expressed in?

Irma: He does not talk, he expresses his emotions by humming. He is restless, he cannot sit still. He often screams and cries. Sometimes he becomes aggressive. His only consolation is the TV, which I bought in installments. This is the only world where he feels good – the world of cartoons.

– Okay, what you need first?

Irma: I just want to ask you to help us with Nikoloz’s treatment. Look how nice and cute he is. God gave him a second life, and I ask you to give him the gift of speech. I can’t cope without your help. And if you don’t consider it arrogant, can I ask you to buy us a washing machine? That’s it! With God’s help, my body will soon get stronger, and I will become able to work and earn money. But meanwhile I’d like to ask you – do not leave me now.


Friends, the life of this family is like an endless nightmare. The pain of grandmother Irma does not subside. She blames herself for everything. But no one is immune from accidents. The main thing is that Nikoloz is alive, and the rest is in our hands. We can give him a full life. Can’t we? It is impossible to hear the words of these unfortunate people and remain indifferent.

You can visit them: Khashuri 21 Lomouri Str

Friends, the Chernovetskyi Charity Fund is launches a campaign to help Nikoloz Tonoyan so that he can continue his treatment.

Please repost our publication. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It’s extremely important!

God gives us chances to care about people who are unable to take care of themselves. Not all people are the same. Not all of them are as kind as we are. Do not pass by someone else’s trouble! Those poor people are sent to us by heaven so that we could prove not by words, but in deeds that we trust in God!

Friends, there is one more request : if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:

Our Fund’s accounts are:




(purpose: Nikoloz Tonoyan).

You can also transfer money from our website.

It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link ).

One call saves life – 0901 200 270.

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Nov 10, 2021
diapers, baby food
Nov 17, 2021
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Mar 28, 2022

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