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Baby cries from pain, and the family cries in despair.

calendar July 30, 2021

One call saves life!

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Friends, can you imagine that your beloved, sweetest child in the world lives only thanks to pain killers that slowly but surely kill his little body as well? Can you imagine that you give a dangerous poison to your most beloved creature every few hours?

Our Fund’s accounts in:

Bank of Georgia

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Bank Code:




GE64BG0000000470458000 GE64BG0000000470458000


TBC Bank

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GE15TB7194336080100003 GE15TB7194336080100003


Liberty Bank

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GE42LB0115113036665000 GE42LB0115113036665000


Charity Number: One call saves a life!

Phone number:


Friends, can you imagine that your beloved, sweetest child in the world lives only thanks to pain killers that slowly but surely kill his little body as well? Can you imagine that you give a dangerous poison to your most beloved creature every few hours?

The pain killers only work for a few hours. During this time, baby Danny can smile and rejoice in his mother’s hug. Then pain comes back again and brings tears and torment to the poor little angel making the life of a sweet large family full of endless pity and suffering.

Everything would be fine if it were not for the difficult childbirth that Natia – the baby’s mother – had. She almost died, and Dani got crippled as a result… Hip dislocation is a diagnosis that makes the words “step” and “pain” synonyms.

“There is a way out,” – the doctors say – “he just needs special massages – and the boy will start walking.” Special massages mean 100 procedures of five thousand GEL worth, and the family managed to cover only half of this amount by themselves – getting into loans. What to do next? The total income of the family, including social allowance is 900 GEL, and banks refuse to give them more loans. “What to do?” – poor mom and dad keep puzzling, – “To starve or to treat Dani? To endure hardships or watch how your beloved baby suffers?”

God forbid everyone from making such a hard choice!

Danny cries when he steps on his feet. It hurts him.

– Does he always cry like that?

Natia: Always when he steps on his feet. Even when I give him a pain killer, it helps just for a few hours, and then the pain and screaming come back again. You will see. It will have effect in half-an-hour. And he will turn into angel. You have to hold him in your arms all the time – when he settles comfortably, he smiles.

‘God, thank you for this little angel!”

– While Danny has calmed down, tell us about your family, about your problems. I can’t take my eyes off your girls – they are so beautiful!

Natia: I am so proud of them! Liza is 8, and Mari is 14. But all my attention and all our finances are now being focused on Danny. The girls do not protest, they love their brother, they help me with him. I have diabetes and I get tired very quickly. Look, Mari just came back from the social canteen, she brought bread from there. Bread replaces sweets for Danny. Look, how he eats it! My little piglet loves eating so much! Look, how cute he is!

“Bread, I will eat you!”

– How did you live before Daniel was born?

Natia: I can’t say we were pampering ourselves before Dannie’s birth, but we used to live normally. Both my husband and I worked… I can’t say we had some prestigious job: my husband is a janitor, and I worked as a cleaner in a restaurant. You know, that work is dirty, but the money we earn by our honest work is clean. And then Danny was born. Something went wrong when I was giving birth to him.

– Is it dangerous for Danny?

Natia: It is very dangerous! Taking painkillers constantly destroys his body. But baby is in pain! And he wants to run around… Why does he suffer so much?!  It is so sad. We have no money for treatment. We took a bank loan to pay for special procedures, we took 50 massage sessions. You still need the same amount. But no one lends money nowadays. We need to pay off that loan first. But how can we do that? I can’t work, I carry Danny in my arms all day long. I can’t leave him with the girls – they worry that they might hurt him. My husband works as a janitor and his salary is 600 GEL.  We need to eat something. The food we bring from the canteen is not enough. And children not always can eat that food. And they are not picky. They understand everything.

‘We play with him, but his leg bothers him. He calls for mommy all the time!

Lizi (8-year-old): But we will be fit because of hunger, right, mom? As all the cartoon princesses.

– Which princesses you love the most?

Lizi: Snow White, of course! Do you know why? Her friends are dwarfs, and there are seven of them. I love when someone has many good friends.

– Do you have many friends as well?

Lizi: Well, what to say… I have two – Anastasia and Andria.

– And what if the whole Georgia will become your friends? How many friends will you have?

Lizi: It is impossible! All of them have children of their own. And Anastasia and Andria understand me well.

– What do you mean?

Lizi: They know what makes me feel sad, what makes me feel offended. And probably, they will protect me if someone offends me. Let’s go, I will show you something. I painted them by my bed. To be honest, they don’t look very much alike, but the small one is Anastasia and the big one is Andria. Do you also paint your friends on your walls?

“This is my friend Anastasia”

“This is Andria. They are not that scary, it’s just because I am not good at drawing”

– Wow, you draw great…

Lizi: Good joke. Mari is really good at drawing – you will go nuts! She can draw all day long. Let’s ask her to draw you.

– Mari, Lizi says you can draw me. Is it true?

Mari (14-year-old): Well, of course I can draw you, but nobody knows whether it will look alike. Let’s try.

“One circle, another circle, nose and mouth”

“Here is a little boy!”

The most valuable gifts are those made by your hands!

– Cool! Am I that pretty?

Mari: You are beautiful. It is my present for you. Will you take it? I really can draw all the time. I always draw during the lessons. Sometimes my teachers scold me for that, but when I answer well and do all the homework, they say: “Okay, keep drawing”.

– What else do you love doing besides drawing?

Mari: I have my own world. All my pictures are like my best friends. I don’t like communicating with people, probably I have no proper skills for that. I love to be alone. All my peer girls keep talking about marriage, they fall in love with someone, but I don’t. I want to be alone. Don’t get me wrong that mommy or daddy, or Lizi and Daniel bother me. I just want no one to bother me.

– What are you dreaming about? What would you like to change in your life?

Mari: I want Lizi and Danny to be obedient.

– Are your mommy and daddy obedient?

Mari: Yes! (giggles). They are the best! I see my daddy rarely – he works day and night. I miss him.

“Daddy goes to work early in the morning, when everyone sleeps. And he comes back late, and he is very tired!”

– I knew one girl who was embarrassed because her mother was sweeping streets. She even hided when she saw her in the street.

Mari: Please, stop! How can one be embarrassed because of his parents? When I see him, I just rush to hug him. He works for our sake! It is so silly!

– Mari, you think like an adult.

Lizi: It is so boring to be adult! I don’t want to be adult.

– Why so? Do you think that children have a better life?

Lizi: Sure! Adults are not free. I can play if I want, or watch cartoons if I want, or anything else. Mommy is adult. Can she do that? Not, of course. She carries Daniel all day long, or feeds him, or tidies up home. She has no time to play, she does not watch cartoons at all. Is that life? No, I want to be a child.

– You know, baby, I have never heard such reasoning. But you’re totally right!

Lizi: That’s what I say. Do you want me to show you my princess dress? Like one that Snow White has? Look! Is it beautiful?

“When I put this dress on, I am a princess!”

“When it becomes small for me, I will give it to you”

– So, when it becomes small for you will you give it to me? It is beautiful!

Lizi: You are so funny! If you were my classmate, I would have made friends with you and painted you on a wall next to Anastasia.

– I have never heard the compliment better than that. Girls, you are really wonderful! Thanks to your parents for bringing you up like this!

Natia: My husband and I do our best to give them all our love. Thanks God we have such a wonderful children! It is a real happiness.

“One step, another step, we will start walking”

– Natia, let’s summarize our conversation. What do you need most of all?

Natia: First of all, we need money for 20 massages for Danny – 1000 GEL. I will be also grateful to have a fridge and a gas stove. Our washing machine went out of order as well, but I can’t ask for so many things. My baby is our first priority.

– What about you, girls?

Lizi: May I say? I really want a mirror! You know what kind of a mirror? One you can put on the table, so that you can look into it and do make-up. And a bicycle. And sweets. That’s it! Now, let Mari say.

Mari: I have only one dream – a computer! That’s it.

“A little piglet can eat a half a loaf of bread!”


One more story has come to an end, although, there is much more one can talk about them. These wonderful children, who have not got embittered yet with the world, need our help and support. First of all, let’s help little Daniel so that he can walk without feeling pain. Let’s help his mom with foodstuffs and appliances so that she has no reason to worry about how to feed her children. Let’s fulfill the cherished dreams of the girls – a computer, a mirror, and a bicycle. And the rest is up to you.

You can visit them: Shindisi, 3 Tsinanuri I turn.

Friends, Chernovetskyi Charity Fund starts charity campaign to help the Mezurnishvili family.

Please repost our publication. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It’s extremely important!

God gives us chances to care about people who are unable to take care of themselves. Not all people are the same. Not all of them are as kind as we are. Do not pass by someone else’s trouble! Those poor people are sent to us by heaven so that we could prove not by words, but in deeds that we trust in God!

Friends, there is one more request: if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:

Our Fund’s accounts are:




(purpose: The Mezurnishvili family).

You can also transfer money from our website.

Visit our Fund’s pages on Instagram and Telegram

It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under “Charity” section (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link ).

One call saves life – 0901 200 270.

I bless you for every step Dani takes!


“Come on, dear, get off me. Show us how you
stand on your own feet, my little piggy. Do you see? He stands independently. I
didn’t give him pills,” – mother Natia is full of joy and tenderness.

This is little Dani, friends! A cute baby
who is adored by his entire family and who managed to make us fall in love with
him. Do you remember how much we were worried about him? Dani has a birth
injury – a dislocated hip joint. Every movement, every step hurts him. But we
can carefully rejoice now – there is progress. We keep our fingers crossed,
praying for him and wishing him to recover fully.

His family was able to afford only half of
the 100 special massage sessions that Dani was prescribed by doctors, and the
family got bogged down in loans of that. But friends of the Fund gave Dani the
opportunity to complete a full course of massage. The baby is much better now!
He learns to walk, slowly but surely. Mom Natia blesses you!

My son, your health is my happiness

– Natia, not much time has passed since the post was published. Did we
manage to help you? What did this post bring to your life?

This post is a turning point in the life of our family. Of course, my husband
and I knew that there are kind people living in Georgia. But we had no idea
that they are so many! So many people are not indifferent to the grief of
others, they are ready to help and support! This is such a joy for us! We are
proud of you, our dear friends! It’s so Georgian – to unite for help! Our whole
family thanks you from the bottom of our hearts!

It took no more than a week after people
found out about our trouble. And then one lady called us and offered us help.
She said she had five children herself. This woman not only helped us
financially, but she also introduced us to a massage therapist – he gave our
Dani the remaining massage course completely free of charge. This helped our
baby a lot. The pains he had started to subside gradually. He still takes
painkillers, but not so often. He gradually learns to walk, while taking every
step with great difficulty. We have a hope that our son will recover! It’s so
hard to see your child’s suffering and being unable to alleviate it! Not every
mother can stand it …

– What do you remember the most during this time?

Natia: I
was very much impressed by the kindness and humility of the people who extended
a helping hand to us. Both the woman who called us and introduced us to the
massage therapist and the massage therapist himself preferred to stay out of
the spotlight Therefore, I cannot tell you their names, although I pray for
these merciful people every day.

Many other people as well preferred to not
trumpet about their good deeds. And they helped us anonymously. It is amazing.
I do not know you – I did not have a chance to learn about you, but you took
care of my family, of my son, and may my blessing and prayers reach you.

– Natia, did the representatives of the state authorities somehow react
to your problems? Any problem that was made public requires a response.

Natia: I
did not get any help from them. No reaction either to my official appeals, or
to my pleas and to the published post.

There was feedback from journalists – one
of the central TV channels responded quickly. They said that they would come
and film the report.

– What does the help and support of the Fund’s friends mean for you

Natia: It
means a lot! It was such a comprehensive help – both financial and moral! The
worst thing is to be alone with your problems when the whole world is deaf to
your pleas for help! But this never happens in Georgia. You have proved that.
You shared your warmth and kindness with us, you gave us hope, you showed your
mercy depriving yourselves of your last money – the money which your families
probably needed a lot.

My children were able to fall asleep full
for the first time in a long time. Thank you for thinking about my kids! Thanks
for thinking of me! You saved me from fatigue and torment. The washing machine,
donated by the Fund, helps me to sort out the household chores much faster and
easier. I used to wash with my hands in cold water. We will not freeze in
winter, feel uncomfortable even at home – we now have a gas heater.

“This machine does mommy’s job, and my mommy has more time for us.”

Diapers come in handy for Dani. And the
tablet has become just a lifesaver for my daughters. Now they can attend online
lessons, play games, communicate with their peers on the Internet, and watch
movies. This gift made them very happy.

You have helped us with solving so many
issues! Your concern touched me to the very core, you took care of us as if we
were your family.

Both the soul and the eye rejoices when
there are supplies at home

– Lizzie, what are you most happy about?

(Natia’s middle daughter is at home, and we
ask her questions.)

Lizi: That
my brother feels better. Dani can stand on his feet and not cry. Oh, when he
cried, it hurt me too. And now our little one doesn’t cry so much. Am I right,

I liked the tablet too. Many thanks! Mari
and I play online games together. This is our shared tablet. If the school goes
online again, I am no longer afraid of missing lessons.

Evenings got more fun and interesting with
a tablet

“Can I ask for something else? Or is it

– Lizzie suddenly asks me.

– What do you want with all your heart?

Lizi: Some
food. We enjoyed eating so much. And some sweets.

We always ask our beneficiaries the
question: what other help is needed, what else can the friends of the Fund do?
But this answer made other questions unnecessary. It’s so obvious. Children’s
words are always a revelation. Lizi’s words are a revelation about hunger.

Matsoni is a delicacy for Lizi.

Natia (sighs and confesses): The worst thing is that we are constantly
starving. You have brought us a great new gas stove along with the other gifts,
and one can cook quickly on it. But what to cook of? We have almost no food.
And there is nowhere to store it because we have no refrigerator in our house.
It is just impossible for us to buy it taking into account Dani’s illness. The
main thing is to cure our son completely. Any, even the smallest, help is very
important and invaluable.

Despite the hardships of life, the
Mezurnishvili family does not lose hope

I will be very grateful to everyone who
will not stay indifferent! Every day I pray to God for those who took part in
our troubles. When I see that my children are full, I thank the Almighty and
good people for supporting us in need!


Let the happy smiles in the photo to not
prevent you from seeing the main thing. Seeing with your heart. The joy lasts
for a short moment. And serious problems you have, never go away immediately.

Little girls still believe in miracles,
they can ask anything. But Lizi only asked for food and sweets… At this
moment, you realize the depth of the tragedy of this poor family where children
are so much depressed by poverty that food becomes the ultimate dream for them.

You have already done a lot to change the
life of this family – thank you very much! It is really changing. Let us go on
with this good undertaking, let us not cut off their hopes. There is no better
project than helping your neighbors, giving them happiness.

If you have a heavy heart because of
everyday problems or unresolved issues, as a distraction just see our posts on
Facebook, or better dial the number of any of our beneficiaries. Call them and
you will forget about your problems. Because they are nothing in comparison
with the problems of those to whom you opened your good heart and came to help
in the most difficult moment of their life.

Our problems are noting if compared… Here
are true misfortunes, in front of your eyes! Just thank the Lord for what you
have. You are the happiest person in the world! Remember this and help those in

Unfortunately, problems of this and other
families do not end here and now… Therefore, from time to time, look through
the stories of unhappy people on our website, talk to them. Every time you dial
the Phone of an unhappy person, God is blessing you! For sure! Go on helping
these families! This is the best service to the Lord!

Your kindness is a chance for yourself to
be happy in everything!

Friends, thanks again to all!

Our Fund’s accounts are:




(Purpose: the Mezurnishvili family).

You can also transfer money from our

It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals.
Find our Fund under “Charity” section (You can read more about rights
and responsibilities of the Fund following the link

Even if you dial once this special number,
it might save someone’s life. 0901 200 270! God bless you!

Let’s believe that helping others, we take
care of our own souls and draw closer to Lord through the suffering that we
share with them!

Sep 15, 2021
household appliances
Sep 15, 2021
Sep 15, 2021
Sep 20, 2021
the tablet
Sep 30, 2021
fund overhead
Oct 11, 2021
Gas heater
Nov 04, 2021
Dec 10, 2021
Gas water heater
Dec 16, 2021
Jan 03, 2022
Jan 25, 2022
Mar 31, 2022
fund overhead

Total expenses:



Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
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Thank you, kind heart!
21.03.2022 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
18.03.2022 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
06.03.2022 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
06.01.2022 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
25.12.2021 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
22.12.2021 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
21.12.2021 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
21.12.2021 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
19.12.2021 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
17.12.2021 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
17.12.2021 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
17.12.2021 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
17.12.2021 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
16.12.2021 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
16.12.2021 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
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366 Donors

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366 Donors


They need your help urgently