Project reports Doctors said that Mate had no chance of survival! But God decided otherwise! The baby is alive! And will continue to live, if we help him with expensive medications! - Projects - Сhernovetskyi Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Doctors said that Mate had no chance of survival! But God decided otherwise! The baby is alive! And will continue to live, if we help him with expensive medications!

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August 17, 2023
This bundle of joy, the fifth child of the large Markoidze family, is plagued by all the illnesses of the world! That's how fate has decided. "The Lord's ways are inscrutable," his mother repeats from the moment of his birth. Nature did not spare the child from serious diagnoses: twisted ankles, intellectual disability, poor vision, lower jaw dysfunction, a severe sepsis at birth. "Not a survivor" – that was the doctors' verdict. But against all medical odds, Mathe survived! And now the little angel is already four years old. He brings joy to the family simply by being alive. Although he can't walk, he crawls, he can't speak, but he communicates what he needs.
Charity number:
$ 4,844.66
( 734 Donors )
Project completed!

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