Project reports In our vast world, there's no other example of such hopelessness! No other example of human sorrow! No other example of the sacrifice of a young woman, dedicating herself entirely to caring for her gravely ill mother and brother! Are we really going to walk by? There's no one else to help these unfortunate souls!!! - Projects - Сhernovetskyi Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

In our vast world, there's no other example of such hopelessness! No other example of human sorrow! No other example of the sacrifice of a young woman, dedicating herself entirely to caring for her gravely ill mother and brother! Are we really going to walk by? There's no one else to help these unfortunate souls!!!

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May 16, 2024
After the third stroke, which happened 6 years ago, and the death of her husband, mother doesn't remember anything anymore! She doesn't even realize that at any moment, if her daughter doesn't stop him, risking her own life, her mentally ill but once beloved son could strike her and strangle her... This is the same person. Take care of yourselves, friends! This is what illnesses and fear of death at the hands of a very sick son do to people! During a schizophrenic episode, the son strangles his mother, who is bedridden, and screams with an inhuman voice! Name of this young Georgian woman is Anna. Every single day, she sacrifices her life and happiness to care for her mother and brother! A head injury turned the kindest and calmest young man, who once rallied in support of President Gamsakhurdia in a crowd, into a ruthless beast! He was beaten so badly on the head that he is now severely ill with schizophrenia.
Charity number:
$ 613.88
( 122 Donors )
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This family needs clothes the most. Clothe them, and your soul will be enveloped with God's blessings!
#Ill adults

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