Project reports The tragic plight and unimaginable suffering of 83-year-old Grandma Liunina. Cold, hunger, excruciating pain, utter devastation. Friends, we urgently need medicines for the dear old lady and her sole grandson, who is gravely ill. Please, take a moment to read their heartbreaking story! - Projects - Сhernovetskyi Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

The tragic plight and unimaginable suffering of 83-year-old Grandma Liunina. Cold, hunger, excruciating pain, utter devastation. Friends, we urgently need medicines for the dear old lady and her sole grandson, who is gravely ill. Please, take a moment to read their heartbreaking story!

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November 17, 2022
Which death is better? From the cold? From disease? Or from roof collapsing on your head!? God forbid anyone to face such a choice! “While it was warm, we slept outdoors. We were afraid that the roof of our dilapidated house would collapse on our heads. But it already got cold - now it's impossible to stay outside at night. It doesn't matter what will kill us - the cold or this house. During the wind, it shakes and makes strange sounds. It won't survive this winter. And we won’t be able to stand it - we’ll die from the cold.” - 83-year-old grandmother Liunina wipes away the tears from her eyes. Then, leaning with her wrinkled hand on a stick carved from wood, she hardly leads us to the house. “We huddle in one room. We don't have firewood or food for winter. My old age is bitter, it is so bitter... Although there is nothing sweet in this country for people like me. Only death…"
Charity number:
$ 1,131.7
( 180 Donors )
Project completed!
#Ill adults

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