Список поддержавших проект Prisoner of eternal torment. But, thank God, we are given a chance to perform a miracle! To bring happiness to someone during their earthly life! - Projects - Сhernovetskyi Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Prisoner of eternal torment. But, thank God, we are given a chance to perform a miracle! To bring happiness to someone during their earthly life!

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August 3, 2023
The Greek mythical hero - Sisyphus - was punished by Zeus for robbing the travelers! Essentially, he was a dangerous criminal, a scoundrel, and a killer! But he was from a family of gods and incredibly strong! However, even he couldn't have imagined the suffering that our own, without exaggeration, Georgian Sisyphus - Levan Toliashvili - is condemned to for a lifetime by the callous indifference of local officials.
Charity number:
$ 2,498.97
( 488 Donors )
Project completed!
მახათაძე გოდერძი
3 months ago
$ 1.87
ვარშანიძე ანზორ
4 months ago
$ 1.87
ოზბეგაშვილი შოთა
4 months ago
$ 1.87
თათანაშვილი ვანო
4 months ago
$ 0.37
ნათია ბერაია
4 months ago
$ 1.87
დანელია დავით
4 months ago
$ 3.74
#Ill adults

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