Список поддержавших проект It feels like thousands of nails being driven into the back all at once… - Projects - Сhernovetskyi Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

It feels like thousands of nails being driven into the back all at once…

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September 21, 2023
Life for Eka is pain, suffering, and a constant trial for her soul. "The pain is getting worse with each passing day... It feels like thousands of nails being driven into my back simultaneously. Breathing is painful. My spine is so twisted that all my internal organs are deformed. I wonder how they are still functioning. To keep living and not die prematurely, I urgently need to undergo surgery. It will be like my second birth." But with our income, I could never save up such an amount in three lifetimes. That's why I addressed you. I know that God will send me the right people through you.'Eka has the most severe form of scoliosis, and her entire body is deformed. While this condition used to bring her only discomfort, now it slowly kills the girl. "This disease spared no one, and Eka is not an exception. People don't die from scoliosis, but from the complications that accompany this disease. Eka finds it hard to breathe right now, and later, she won't be able to eat... and what then?
Charity number:
$ 5,505.17
( 1,021 Donors )
Project completed!
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