Project reports Guram, we will help you! - Projects - Сhernovetskyi Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Guram, we will help you!

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June 7, 2019
Guram wanted to become a star of Georgian football and help other people, and now he is paralyzed!
Charity number:
$ 971
( 222 Donors )
Project completed!
Friends, all together - we made the life of this good guy full!

     Imagine, businessman David Khurodze gave Guram an electric stroller. And we, all together - a lot of good! The guy is happy! But briefly, and his story ...
After graduation, Guram planned to start a new adult life! I wanted to go to a sports school, become a famous football player and glorify Georgia all over the world. After all, his idol Andres Iniesta, the same guy from a small village, has become a world legend and takes care of his countrymen! But, unfortunately, his dreams were not destined to come true ... On the August hot day of 2018, Guram decided to swim in the river. And this day was fatal for him! Guram was an excellent swimmer and from childhood many times jumped from high cliffs into the water, but this time one wrong move predetermined his future fate! He hit his back on a log and the guy disconnected from unbearable pain ... When he was pulled out, Guram did not breathe, he turned blue and could not move.
The diagnosis was terrible - a fracture of the spine and serious damage to the spinal cord. All the plans of this young and promising guy collapsed in an instant! There is only one dream left - "Survive!".
We were sure that, reading the story of this young handsome man, many of you might want to become his friend. Here is the result! Take a look! This young man was literally born again! He has taken off his breath and is now looking forward with hope, because friends from all over the world have promised to help him!
We came to the family not empty-handed! We fulfilled the dream of both Guram and his long-suffering mother! We brought a guy a computer, and a washing machine for mom! Also, the amount collected bought hygiene products and medicines.
Here is what Guram and his mother Rusiko told you:
Rusiko: Write down everything I tell you! Thank you all on my behalf and on behalf of my son! You gave us life! You extended our life! You gave us the opportunity to live! God bless you and all your kin!
“Are you happy, have all your dreams come true?”
Rusiko: Guram is very happy. So I am happy too! He has all the medicines he needs. He became awake, he began to sleep well, he was not bothered by pain ... but I generally keep quiet about the computer! Guram let him say it.
Guram: after you wrote my story, I was very shy ... I thought they would laugh at me, they say a cripple ... but you can’t imagine what happened. To us completely unfamiliar people began to come. They brought me medicine. A girl from Gwantsa Dzebniauri from America contacted us and said that I can count on the help of emigrants! Hygiene products and diapers sent to me! From America! To Georgia! Absolutely strangers! Can you imagine
“So you made new friends!” I would like to express my special gratitude to them?
Guram: here is Gvanza many thanks and special thanks with a low bow to David Khurodze. He is a businessman. I don’t even know him. He gave me an electric stroller! You know, I could even go to school on it! You should have seen how happy my friends were! They lifted me up and like that, along with the stroller, they brought me to the classroom. I resumed my studies and probably, if it is God's will, I will pass exams and get a certificate.
- What would you like to convey to your compatriots?
Guram: I love you all very much! I want to get to know you all. Now I have a computer and have facebook, - that's me! We can talk!
- Rusiko, do representatives of local authorities take care of you? Have you seen your deputy.
Rusiko: Rina Bojgua is a representative of our village, she helps as much as she can. Thanks to her too. More such people would be in government.
We wish Guram’s health to improve, and for our part, we promise that our Fund will continue to help!
 Friends, on behalf of our entire Foundation, we sincerely thank you for everything that you do for our beneficiaries. You teach our society to see good. You give people faith when they begin to doubt themselves and support them when they need it most! Indeed, for us and for Georgia there are no strangers' children and mothers.
   And if it’s hard for you because of everyday problems or unresolved issues, get distracted for a second and look at our posts in the FB. Our problems are nothing compared to the problems of our wards! Here it is - real grief! It is in front of your eyes! And thank the Lord for what you have. You are the happiest person in the world! Remember this and help those in need.
Friends, thank you all again!
But the problems of this family do not end there! We ask you, write to Guram, make him your friend! He will be just happy! Help him further! Your kindness is a chance to be happy in everything yourself!
Our Fund Account is GE15TB7194336080100003, GE42LB0115113036665000 or GE64BG0000000470458000. (Appointment: Guram Fotidi) You can also transfer money from our website.
You can transfer money from the terminals Nova Technology, TBCpay and ExpressPay. In the section “charity
ST »find our Fund. (Additional rights and obligations of the Fund can be found at
Let us think that helping others, we take care of our soul and approach the Lord precisely through the suffering that we experience for others!

#Ill adults

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