Project reports No one wants to make friends with me! But I am a human being! - Projects - Сhernovetskyi Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

No one wants to make friends with me! But I am a human being!

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May 23, 2022
Khatuna is 29 years old. She can hardly remember when her foot stepped on the ground because too much time has passed. “Even in my sleep I can’t remember how I walked,” Khatuna says with resentment. “But I remember how great it was!” Her mother became her legs, her mother became her hands. Her mom became the whole world for poor Khatuna. She has no friends, no one she can talk to. Her peers treat her like a baby, children shy away and point fingers at her... It all hurts her so much... That has killed the tortured heart of Khatuna and her guardian angel - her mother Darejan - so many times.
Charity number:
$ 1,571.94
( 296 Donors )
Project completed!
#Ill adults

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