Список поддержавших проект That's all because of Tekla!!! - Projects - Сhernovetskyi Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

That's all because of Tekla!!!

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May 30, 2022
“Oh, how hard it is when your mom is sick! It’s all because of Tekla!” - says seven-year-old Luka and strokes his mother on the head. The mother of four children has been chained to bed for more than one year. Five-year-old Gvantsa, four-year-old Eva and one-year-old Tekla are sitting in bed with their mother.
Charity number:
$ 761
( 156 Donors )
Project completed!
გოგა ჯახია
a year ago
$ 3.58
მაკა თორდინავა
a year ago
$ 3.58
მარი სვანიძე
a year ago
$ 1.79
მრ. ანუჩა კაევკონგ
a year ago
$ 0.36
გიუნაშვილი მორის
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$ 17.9
წაქაძე თინათინი
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$ 1.79

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