Список поддержавших проект When death is sweeter than life - Projects - Сhernovetskyi Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

When death is sweeter than life

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August 24, 2022
“My neighbor found me lying on the floor, unconscious. I was taken away by the car of the disaster center… I don't remember anything… The operation lasted more than seven hours. They returned me from the next world... But maybe death would be better than such a life?! - Ms. Leila told us before the interview began - “It was already the second operation last year that I had. First they gutted my stomach, then they opened my skull. Now I'm like this - exhausted, gutted. I can’t even lift two kilograms.”
Charity number:
$ 320.94
( 51 Donors )
Project completed!
a year ago
$ 7.45
'გიორგი თურმანიძე
a year ago
$ 3.72
'ირაკლი თოდუა
a year ago
$ 8.94
ილია ჩალაძე
a year ago
$ 0.74
ანრი ტაბარუკიშვილი
a year ago
$ 1.86
მარეხ მურადაშვილი
a year ago
$ 3.72
#Ill adults

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