Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

How much money do you need to keep other kids from making fun of you?

How much money do you need to keep other kids from making fun of you?

Birthday: 25.08.2012
$ 63.81
(Donors: 19)
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How much money do you need to keep other kids from making fun of you?

Alina: I really want to grow up quickly and start working. Maybe then I'll be able to buy something. Maybe even buy friends? I have very few friends. Only those who don't pay attention to what I'm wearing and don't laugh at me because I don't have a phone. Do you choose friends based on what phone they have? For others, it's very important. But I really want to be somewhat like other girls. Can you make this dream come true for me? Mom can't do it. She said she'd buy me one if she had the chance, but I know for a fact she never will. She can't afford even to feed us. 

(Purpose: Alina Elkiashvili)