Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

No matter what dreams I have, nothing has come true

No matter what dreams I have, nothing has come true

Birthday: 05.08.2011
$ 62.35
(Donors: 22)
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No matter what dreams I have, nothing has come true

Nini Makharadze (12-year-old). I dream of sneakers. I only have sandals and another pair of shoes that were given to me, and I wear them to school. They give me blisters on my feet. I also dream of sports t-shirts. Every summer I dream of shorts. But my biggest dream is a tablet and a phone. I need a phone so I can take pictures of homemade jewelry and post them online for many people to see. 

The materials needed to make jewelry (thread, elastic band, beads, beautiful stones) - I don't have them anymore, and I can't make jewelry. Please (addressing the correspondent), maybe you can convey my voice to the people. If their jewelry gets ruined, I hope they won't throw it away. I will use these materials. When summer comes, I want to go to Batumi Boulevard and sell my jewelry there. Let everyone know that poor children are just like children of rich parents. We have the same dreams as they do.

(Purpose: Nini Makharadze)