Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

No girl has a doll as beautiful as this one!

No girl has a doll as beautiful as this one!

$ 19.94
(Donors: 7)

I am a very sad girl.  My brothers have cerebral palsy, my mother is poor ...

Lizi (6-year-old): Children do not play with me in the yard and always run away when I go out. If I have a talking doll with a stroller, at least I will not walk alone. I will dress her, comb her hair, and feed her tasty food. If she gets sick, I will cure her. I know all diseases.
- Lizi, honey, why are you talking about diseases? You are such a beautiful girl!
Lizi: Because my brothers have cerebral palsy. Yes, cerebral palsy. You know it's a bad thing. And their heart hurts, and their head hurts.
- So you decided not to smile anymore?
Lizi: It happens by itself. And I can’t do my homework.
- Lizi, we promise you that the next time you go for a walk, you will certainly have a talking doll and a stroller. This is the first thing. What else do you need to make all the kids in the yard gasp?
Lizi: I really want a Barbie dollhouse. Everything there is so small and cute. Tiny sofa, piano and bed. The children would be very much surprised that I have such an expensive toy. They would also be very much surprised if they saw me with new hairpins dressed in a new dress.
- So, very soon we will surprise everyone!
Lizi: I won't be able to smile so soon, ma’am. My brothers are very sick. Can you help them? Then I will get happy.