Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Every boy should have a bike!

Every boy should have a bike!

$ 186.67
(Donors: 87)
I'm 12 years old and I've never had a bike

Dato: Ma’am, can you ride a bike?

– You know, I had a red bicycle when I was a child, and I was seven years old when I learned to ride it. Let’s have a race?

Dato: Well... I'm 12 years old and I've never had a bike. I would be happy to race if I had it.

- It is not too late. So, I could win your heart with a bike?

Dato: My heart belongs to only one girl. But if I had a bike with a rear seat, then I would take this girl for a ride. Maybe she would like me then?

-  I see. Do you want to take her for a ride?

Dato: Yes, I would be very happy.

- I am sure the entire Georgia will support you and fulfill your wish to have a bicycle.