Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

With the phone, I'm a different person!

With the phone, I'm a different person!

$ 256.01
(Donors: 31)

I want to bake lobiani for my brothers and sisters, which my beautiful mother baked for us ...

Mari: I'm Mari, I'm 12 years old and I am an orphan. My grandfather brings up me and my brother and sister. I want to help my grandpa with the housework. But it is not easy. Once I tried to bake lobiani on a pan, like my mother did, but I burned my hand, and it hurt a lot. I think it would work better in an electric or gas oven. But we don't even have a normal gas stove. We are very poor.

- You are still so young, but you already dream about such adult things, Mari!

Mari: Sorrows in my heart are also like those of adults. It's hard when you don't have a mom and you feel bad... Children change then. I suppose they mature faster. I write poetry, and when I read it to someone, they think I'm older. It is impossible to cope with such pain if you are not adult.