Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

When hunger leaves your life, you can dream about something big!

When hunger leaves your life, you can dream about something big!

Birthday: 31.12.2022
$ 233.23
(Donors: 60)

When hunger leaves your life, you can dream about something big!

Let's smile, my friends! It's because of all of you that little Nini is filled with happiness! Her smile is meant just for you!

Poor Nini was starving, and her mother could think of nothing else but feeding her little girl and her three brothers. But then the Chernovetskyi Fund came into their lives, and new dreams emerged. Just take a look at this beautiful stroller we gave to the little one.

If Nini could speak, she would express her gratitude to every person who extended a helping hand.  Your kind hearts worked wonders in this family's life. Every glance at this stroller fills them with joy and hope. You've given them not only a means of mobility but also the feeling that they are not alone, that there are people in the world ready to help. Thank you for your care, your attention, and your generosity.