Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

When hunger leaves your life, you can dream about something big!

When hunger leaves your life, you can dream about something big!

Birthday: 31.12.2022
$ 233.23
(Donors: 60)

“I think, I was born in vain,” cute Nini would say it if she could talk.  But for now, Nini cries all the time from hunger and cold.

“I am only one year old. Or rather, not yet, but I will become soon - on December 31st!” I am only one year old. But, I think, it is in vain ... My three brothers had nothing to eat, and then I appeared. 

I am hungry. I am cold. I can’t talk, that’s why I cry all the time. Probably because of that my brothers want to throw me into the garbage. But mom loves me. She can hug me. I love when mom hugs me. Then I forget about hunger for a while. But then again, tears start to flow from my eyes. I am just hungry. I promise, if my tummy doesn’t hurt, I won’t shed a tear!”


Friends, help Nini’s mommy in any way you can so that her brothers do not throw the baby in the trash.