Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

If all dreams come true, I will keep dreaming!

If all dreams come true, I will keep dreaming!

Birthday: 23.08.2010
$ 181.41
(Donors: 57)

I keep fixing it, but it falls apart...

Giorgi: Mom doesn't have the money to buy us food, so it would be unfair to ask her for bike or anything else. I am not a baby so as not to understand this. I found it in a junk yard, I thought I could fix it, and my brother and I would ride it. I tied it, glued it, but it falls apart after a couple of meters.

– I think you deserve a bike because you are a very good boy.

Giorgi: After my dad died, I can’t ask my mom for anything. She starts crying immediately.

  • What would you ask if she had money?

Giorgi: I would ask her to buy me a bicycle and a tablet. And that's it! I really don't need anything else!