Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

I have a doll paradise!

I have a doll paradise!

Birthday: 20.04.2017
$ 39.31
(Donors: 11)

My doll was in the dog's teeth and my brother saved it for me

Anna: Do you know how old I am? Anna: That's how old - one, two, three, four, five... that's a lot, I'm a big girl, but I've never had a doll of my own. My brother found one somewhere, it was lying in the street and a dog was chewing on its leg. He brought it home, but the dog ate all its clothes, and now my sister and I play with a naked, legless doll. I want to have a beautifully clothed "girl" with hair. Ours is dirty, "chewed" and bald. It's not pretty at all, but what can we do? We love it. In addition to the doll, I dream of a scooter and a ball. Can I have so many wishes? Or is it too much?