Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

I dream of girly stuff

I dream of girly stuff

Birthday: 20.12.2016
$ 41.8
(Donors: 3)

I dream of girlish stuff and little things to look pretty!

Natalia: I have an older brother, but he is very sick. I want to play dolls with him, but he can't. I love him very much, and everyone loves him. I give him all the toys I have, and I dream of girlish things - all sorts of little things to look pretty - hairpins, children's cosmetics, beautiful shoes, and dresses with lace. And I really want a crying doll! It is called Baby Cry. How fun it will be! My brother Dato will cry on one side and the doll on the other! I will probably call her Nato! Oh, and for the night, I need a beautiful unicorn to hug it and sleep!