Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

My mom says that this gift was sent to me by God Himself!

My mom says that this gift was sent to me by God Himself!

Birthday: 12.02.2013
$ 189.08
(Donors: 38)

I've never told anyone about my dreams.

Nutsa: Hi, my name is Nutsa, I'm 10 years old. I've never told anyone about what I'm going to secretly share with you. I have a sick little brother, and the most important thing for us is his health. My parents try really hard to make sure he doesn't get too sick. We're very poor, and it hurts me to see them worry about money.

I have three dreams. Firstly, I want my brother to get better. Secondly, I really wish I could have my own computer. My teacher says it would help me study better. But I can't even say the word "computer," it would just upset my mom and dad even more.  Also, I don't have a school bag. There's one that's falling apart. It would mean so much to me to have a nice bag so I could carry my books and notebooks with pleasure. And finally, I have a small request for proper shoes. I constantly wear out the shoes after my sisters. They try to wear them carefully, but the shoes still end up all worn out by the time they reach me.