Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Make wishes in a whisper!

Make wishes in a whisper!

Birthday: 08.03.2014
$ 200.64
(Donors: 83)

Make wishes in a whisper!

Let's smile, my friends! It's because of all of you that little Nini is filled with happiness! Her smile is meant just for you!

Nini: I never even thought that in a family of hungry children, a tablet could "live"! It's the most beautiful thing we have at home.  You know, it was very hard to talk about my dreams on an empty stomach.  You only think about food. And when I quietly mentioned that I dream of a tablet, I thought you might not have even heard about it. But it turns out your ears are like a bunny's – you hear everything! So, I want to thank you now, not in a whisper. I would shout so that everyone could hear who gave me this miracle, but I'm shy.