Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

If I become a famous athlete one day, it will be only your merit!

If I become a famous athlete one day, it will be only your merit!

$ 210.39
(Donors: 27)
Dream of a bike does not become outdated

– Luka, you were very little when we met. And now you are a grown man! 

Luka: Oh yes, I also remember when you came to visit us for the first time. I was six years old then, and now I am 12!

- I remember you wanted to play rugby then and you really wanted to have a bike. What are you dreaming about now?

Luka: Sometimes I want to become a football player, sometimes I want to become a rugby player. Sometimes I really want a ball, sometimes a tablet. But since childhood, my only dream that does not change is a bicycle. Sometimes I even imagine how I ride it. First on our street, then I go down, then I cross to another street. There I will see one girl that I like, I will wave my hand at her, and maybe even give her a ride! Do you think she will agree?

- Who wouldn't agree to ride with such a handsome man?! I would agree!

Luka: Well, I can’t give you a ride, you’re big.

– What else would you like besides a bicycle?

Luka: I would like to have a phone! I need to call this girl and have a talk. I'm kidding! I need a phone for my studies. I didn’t get such good grades this year because of it. And I love to study.

- Is there anything that makes you happy right now? Maybe some small dream has already come true for you?

Luka: Once they gave me notebooks and books, clothes. Thanks for that too.