Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

You reminded me that at heart I am still the same little girl, without cancer and rotting breasts, the girl that can still rejoice ...

You reminded me that at heart I am still the same little girl, without cancer and rotting breasts, the girl that can still rejoice ...

$ 171.5
(Donors: 44)

I am rotting away in my 60, getting used to cancer, poverty, and hunger. As if my entire life is a huge disappointment, a series of mistakes and tragedies. But you reminded me I am the same little girl at heart as many years ago, I dream, I believe, I have no cancer and rotting breasts, I can still rejoice. I lacked it so much - kind words, calls with words of support from you, my dear. I was happy like a child with the warm shoes that you gave me because I had nothing to put on in this cold. The biggest happiness for me is food! I will try to stretch it for a couple of months. Thank you, thank you ... Thank you a million times for not letting me die this winter from the cold and hunger!