Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

I will not let my car out of my hands even at night

I will not let my car out of my hands even at night

$ 55.62
(Donors: 10)
I want to eat a lot to become strong and big quickly, and no one could offend me
- Why do you think they offend you?
Giorgi (6-year-old): Because we are poor. Because we have nothing, but other children have everything! All the children can call me names and even hit me on the head, but I can’t even answer them ... and they also offend Ani, they say she is ugly, and I can’t even stand up for her...
Giorgi: Do you know what I dream about the most? So, that we have plenty of food to get big and strong. Then I will workout a lot, I will become huge, and I will be able to overcome everyone who is now offending me and my sister.
- Do you think this situation can be fixed in any way?
Giorgi: Probably we need to wait. When I grow up, it probably won't be so bad.
- And what can make you really happy now? So that you put resentment aside?
Giorgi: Well, I don’t know. Some toy. For instance, a car with a remote control. Do you know such car? You press buttons and it goes - vroom-vroom - itself. You can turn here, then there! You know how cool it is?
- Have you any other dream besides car?
Giorgi: Yes! I want to have a bicycle. I would ride myself and ride my sister. If someone asks me for a ride, I will lend them. Maybe that would help me to make new friends?