Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Look! This doll has the same hairstyle as me!

Look! This doll has the same hairstyle as me!

$ 22.77
(Donors: 7)
It would be better if mom gave birth to a doll! I have knives and fire in my throat!

Anastаsia (6-year-old): You know, even if you bring me toys, they will run away from me! Look in what a terrible house I live. Dolls are little, they can get scared and run away.

- What if you hug them tight?

Anastasia: If I have a doll, do you know how much I will love her? Like mom and dad together. I will wash her and stroke her hair. Will she have long hair? I will give her my hair clips. She will be my daughter! Exactly what I am to my mother! You know? I'm mom’s! I will be the mother for my doll. And someday I will even “give birth” to a real child.

- How do you play now?

Anastasia: Now my brother and I are catching each other or hiding. But it's not interesting. He plays wrong and doesn't obey me. It would be better if my mother gave birth to a doll for me!

– Maybe you have some other dreams besides the doll?

Anastasia: Yes! I want a lot of beautiful dresses. Red, and green, and like a rainbow. Oh, I almost forgot! I want chips, Coke, and candy! So that I eat them, but they do not end!