Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

When I grow up, I will have the real one like this!

When I grow up, I will have the real one like this!

$ 60.16
(Donors: 10)
A red car lives in my heart!
Andria (5-year-old): Ma’am (correspondent - Ed.) I will not tell you what I want. I tell my mom, but she says no! I tell my dad, and he says no. I'll tell you - you'll say no too! I will not say!
- I swear I won’t say no. Just tell me what you dream about?
Andria: There is a car, and it moves by itself. Like real, but it is not real. It has antenna. And you can control it from afar to make it go. Do you understand me?
- Oh! I got it! Remote control car! 
Andria: Yes! Yes! You are right! Well done! You know! You probably have one? I have not! May I have one? Mommy says no. She says I’m too little and I will break it. Tell her that I will not break it. I will not even touch it. I will not give it to my sister. Tell her! And give me a car. Please!
- What else besides car can make you happy?
Andria: Ice cream and chips! Mom says that I can’t have them either! Tell her that I can! Will you?