Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

All my dreams came true but there is one left!

All my dreams came true but there is one left!

$ 69.71
(Donors: 23)
I want to become Spiderman to cure my mother!

George: My mother goes to the doctors, takes me with her, when she gets some injections, she gets sick. Doctors can't help her. That's why I want to be Spiderman. Do you know what power he has? If I have strength, I will cure my mother and make her hair grow back.

-What do you need to become Spiderman?

George: Well, first of all, I need his costume ! And then I'll do everything myself . And I also really need a car so that I can drive in it. It should be a little bigger so my mom can fit in too, and I will take her to the hospital all by myself. Whenever we take a bus, People don’t usually give up their seats for my mom… It makes me so angry that I want to throw them out of the bus sometimes.

-You take such good care of your mother! You're even cooler than Spiderman!

George: my mother has no one except for me, And I have no one but my mother. And I don't want my mom to die. If she dies, I will die too!