Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

It made me feel like the most important kid!

It made me feel like the most important kid!

$ 186.84
(Donors: 39)
I want to be an important kid who has a birthday. I see such important children through windows of shops and cafes.  And there are such children in my class. They have many guests, they get gifts, and they have fun. I do not envy - I just sometimes think why my mother is worse than their parents. But I still wouldn't exchange her for anyone. I would not do that!

Shio (8-year-old): I want to be an important kid who has a birthday. I see such important children through window when I pass by the “Wendy’s”. And there are such children in my class. They have many guests, they get gifts, and they have fun.

I never have guests. Only my mother and sister Tekla congratulate me. And I know in advance that there will be no gifts, but I still look around.What if there would be something? But it never was.

If I had my own big cake with fireworks, I would feel myself important. Both this day and the next day. And if they gave me the costume of Spiderman, I would become braver. This is my favorite hero. In my heart I want to be like him. But nobody knows about it. Everyone thinks I'm quiet.

I want everyone to know that I can also be important. And I can have my own cake too. And I can even get a gift - a Spiderman toy or a Spiderman costume.