Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Gabriel can't say thank you - but his eyes speak volumes!

Gabriel can't say thank you - but his eyes speak volumes!

$ 176.85
(Donors: 44)
I want a big car to ride and a bike. But will the magician come to my toilet?!

“My name is Gabriel, I am three years old. When I learn to talk, I will immediately tell my mother what I want, otherwise my mother cannot guess. She thinks that I want drugs and vitamins, and only buys them for me. But I want a big car to ride, the one where you can get in. And a tricycle! Can you give me a car? I don't want medications anymore.

I saw a boy with such beautiful car in the park, where we walked with my sister. I was very happy, I wanted to touch it and get into it, but for some reason the aunts immediately called their children and took the car away. And Tekla started crying and said: “He is an ordinary child. He just wanted to play a little.”

When I touch something, they hide everything from me, even in the kindergarten. I do not know why. It would be nice if I had my own big car and my own bicycle so that no one could take them. And I would play on my own. And no one would call me special. I don’t know what that means, but I want to cry and hug my mother.”