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it is a horror, not a life!
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Charity Number: One call saves a life!
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0901200270Gratitude is a magic power; it brings new blood not
just to your heart, but also to the hearts of people around you.
Mzia Adamia, 65-year old refugee from Abkhasia, thinks that
Chernovetskyi Fund brought her back to life, and the life of the poor woman was
extremely tragic.
Mzia is totally lonely, all her family members died. For several years
already she has been bedridden, she can move only with the help of an office
chair with wheels, as she does not have a normal wheelchair!
Anyway, she has almost no space to move – from her bed to the kitchen,
and only between changing the bandages.
Since Mzia and her family were expelled from Abkhasia, they never had
their own home; they rented an apartment and even lived in a garage refurbished
for dwelling.
It was there where she fell ill. In the damp and cold premises he got
terrible bed sores which ate the healthy woman alive as a result of spinal
fracture. She has withstood a surgery and she did not believe she would
But, as she says, God gave her mercy – during more than two years
Chernovetskyi Fund has been taking care of her. The Fund provides her with food
and medicines, and medical personnel of the Fund changes her bandages three
times a week.
Mzia is still renting a room on the outskirts of Tbilisi. For some years
now the authorities keep promising to give her an apartment but things are not
But Mzia does not give up her hope. She did not lose courage because of
despair, and she believes in the kindness of people.
We ask you to take her complicated condition to your heart and provide
as much humanitarian help as you can in form of medicines, hygiene products and
a mattress for preventing bed sores.
Maybe there are good people among you who will present her a wheelchair
and ease her destiny at least a little?
If you have a financial possibility, please transfer the amount to the
account GE15TB7194336080100003 or GE64BG0000000470458000 (purpose: Mzia Adamia)
or directly from our Fund web-site
Help the miserable, do good
things, as the good will save the world, and most importantly – the life!
Total expenses:
9 Donors
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