One call saves life!
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13-year old Zura Imedashvili has been struggling with death for a year already.
Bank of Georgia
Bank Code:
TBC Bank
Bank Code:
Liberty Bank
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Charity Number: One call saves a life!
Phone number:
090120027013-year old
Zura Imedashvili has been struggling with death for a year already. He is in a
rehabilitation department of a hospital, connected to an artificial lung, he
does not see, hear or recognize anyone…
When he was 7 months old he had measles, but then this
illness did not rise any complications. Zura grew as a normal boy: he went to school, played with his friends
and was very vivid. But when he was 11, strong headache seized him, every day
it got harder for him to move, he lost his ability to hear and see…
As a result
of medical examination he received a horrible diagnosis: encephalitis, i.e.
brain fever, which became a consequence of the measles he had in early
Zura was
moved from the Akhmeti Region to Tbilisi and put in the rehabilitation
department of a hospital, where he still stays now. “My son’s condition is
very complicated. I hope only for God’s help and for assistance of good people.
We are doing everything possible, but we have run out of any reserves… The
hospital pays for a part of the medicines, and we pay for another part. But how
could we find more money?! We have no social allowance and our only income
source is my son’s pension,” – says Nino Morchadze, the boy’s mother.
Dear friends,
now Zura Imedashvili needs hygiene products and expensive medicines most of
all. His family is extremely poor and they have no possibility to pay for the
boy’s treatment. By showing our sympathy let us lend him a helping hand and
support his family! Let God help you.
You can
transfer money to our Fund account GE15TB7194336080100003 or
GE64BG0000000470458000 (Purpose: Zura Imedashvili) or pay directly from our
You can as
well transfer money through terminals NovaTechnology, TBCpay and ExpressPay.
Find our Fund in “Charity” section. (You can learn about the ways of
payment by following the link
Help the
needy, give them warmth, hope and thus extend their life!
Total expenses:
292 Donors
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