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“Only God did not forget about me!”

calendar May 22, 2019

One call saves life!

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Watching a lonely, helpless man beg for salvation is not a sight for the faint-hearted.

Our Fund’s accounts in:

Bank of Georgia

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GE64BG0000000470458000 GE64BG0000000470458000


TBC Bank

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GE15TB7194336080100003 GE15TB7194336080100003


Liberty Bank

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GE42LB0115113036665000 GE42LB0115113036665000


Charity Number: One call saves a life!

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Watching a lonely, helpless man beg for salvation is not a sight for the
faint-hearted. It’s a terrible feeling when a lonely and sick woman cries of
despair, and around her there is a wall of silence. 
57-year-old Lela Tamarashvili no longer remembers when she has been outdoors
last time. She lies all the time; she even has to eat lying. And frankly
speaking, she does not think much about food because she has only one thought:
that someone recalls her, consoles and heals her moral wounds.
 She suffers from terrible pain in the heart, at night she does not sleep
because of frequent attacks of suffocation, and paralysis of the limbs does not
allow her to move independently. 
TV and the Bible became the only companions of her life. The life of this poor
woman, who was left all alone, is incredibly hard. She is especially sad on
holidays, when all around sparkles with joy, and her wounded heart squeezes in
melancholy, when Christmas and Easter resemble empty vessels filled with
Friends, every Christian should help those who are near. Our actions towards
the close ones are especially valuable. Actions directed not towards our son or
grandson, who we naturally love, but to the one who is in need, even if he or
she is a complete stranger. This is what counts for the Eternity!
We talked to Lela Tamarashvili and asked her to share her concerns and problems
with us. 
– Tell us about your family, about the series of tragic events in your
Lela Tamarashvili: I divorced my husband 32 years ago. I had to raise two
children all alone. I had an apartment and a job. I am a physiotherapist by
vocation. Unfortunately, 2008 was fatal for me.
 – Why so? 
Lela Tamarashvili: There was the August war and the Russian military cars were
irrepressibly rushing along the Gori-Tbilisi route. One of them crashed with
the car in which I was sitting. I survived only with God’s help! I was
hospitalized with multiple fractures. It seemed that I was recovering, but in a
half a year there was a severe stroke, which actually chained me to bed.
– So the series of troubles continued, right? 
Lela Tamarashvili: I put the apartment in the mortgage, sold all the valuable
things that I had and started a long course of outpatient treatment. Of course,
it helped and she stayed alive, but she could have died! But eventually she
lost the apartment and was forced to live in a rented room. But how can it be
compared to the grief that later happened to my family?! My son died in the
hospital after a car accident. This was an indescribable grief. I am a believer
and constantly pray the Lord to protect all mothers from the death of their
children. It’s the most painful thing in the world.
–Do you have any other relatives left? 
Lela Tamarashvili: My son left for Ukraine and I never heard from him since
then. It has been 15 years since I know nothing about him. I don’t even have
any close relatives left. My nephew died recently…
– What is the state of your health at the moment? 
Lela Tamarashvili: I suffer terrible pains in my heart, I do not sleep at night
because of frequent attacks of suffocation. One leg and one arm are paralyzed
after the stroke, I cannot move on my own. 
– What’s your income? 
Lela Tamarashvili: A social allowance in the amount of 30 lari and a disability
pension in the amount of 80 lari. I do not receive a full pension of 200 lari
because 4 years ago I needed money and took a certain amount in advance. So I
have only 110 lari per month.  
– Does anyone help you?  
Lela Tamarashvili: Only God did not forget about me! Sometimes neighbors help
with food when they have it. They, too, are very poor.
–And the building where you live, what is it? 
Lela Tamarashvili: It is a former police station. Then it fell into disrepair.
A few years ago, 4 homeless families settled here and still live here. The
conditions are terrible. The room is damp and dark, with mold on the walls. In
the room there is no bathroom or water…
– And does the mayor’s office or the Deputy of your constituency help? Have you
addressed them for help, as caring for voters is the duty of both the mayor and
every parliamentarian?
Lela Tamarashvili: The mayor‘s office gives me money for medicines several
times a year. I need about 200 lari per month to buy them. This money is not enough,
but we have to content ourselves with what we have… In addition, presently
the city hall is connecting this room to the gas distributor for free. It means
that I will have gas in the room, but I cannot afford buying a gas stove…
– We will write a letter to the Deputy of your constituency. What are you
asking him for? 
Lela Tamarashvili: You know, I need a serious joint surgery, and the Department
of Health is willing to do it for free. But I refrain from doing it, because
after the surgery, I will need to continue the outpatient treatment, and there
is no money for that. I need about 500 lari for the treatment. This is a huge
amount for me. Please ask the Deputy to help me in this matter. 
– What are your main needs at this stage? 
Lela Tamarashvili: I need food, hygiene supplies and bed linen; I have no
refrigerator, no washing machine, no gas stove…
– Lela, what are you dreaming of? 
Lela Tamarashvili: What could I dream of? I dream of health, of walking around
the room without assistance, of getting rid of constant pains and bouts…
Sometimes I fall into despair, cry for my failed life and constantly pray to
God for the repose of the soul of my beloved son! 
Friends, the best help that we can provide a person in despair is not in the
lifting of his burden, but awakening of his power necessary to overcome that
Lela Tamarashvili is only 57 years old. She should live for many years. If we
give her a helping hand, if we give her a sense of solidarity, and she will
certainly be able to overcome her illnesses and traumas. We must remember that
nothing can imitate Christ more than the care of others. Let us have a
compassionate soul, let us have a heart that can sympathize with the suffering!
You can visit this poor woman at the place of her residence in person, to help,
to hug her and give hope. Her address: Tbilisi, 34 Tsotne Dadiani str.,
building No.1, former police station, tel.: 574111129.
If you have a willing to help, but do not have time to visit her, you can
transfer the money to our Fund account: GE15TB7194336080100003 or
GE64BG0000000470458000 (purpose: Lela Tamarashvili). You can also transfer
money from our website.
You can as well transfer money from the terminals of Nova Technology, TBCpay
and ExpressPay. Find our Fund in “Charity” section. (You can learn
about the additional rights and obligations of the Fund by following the link
The benefactor gives to the poor, returning his loan to the Lord, and He will
repay for his kindness!

Aug 01, 2019
Aug 01, 2019
Aug 01, 2019
Aug 22, 2019
medicine for home care program
Oct 01, 2019
Jul 02, 2020

Total expenses:



Thank you, kind heart!
28.09.2019 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
27.09.2019 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
27.09.2019 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
27.09.2019 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
27.09.2019 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
27.09.2019 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
27.09.2019 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
26.09.2019 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
26.09.2019 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
26.09.2019 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
26.09.2019 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
26.09.2019 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
26.09.2019 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
25.09.2019 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
25.09.2019 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
24.09.2019 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
23.09.2019 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
23.09.2019 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
23.06.2019 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
19.06.2019 20:00:00



51 Donors

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51 Donors


They need your help urgently