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“Mommy , is that you?”

calendar September 2, 2019

One call saves life!

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Two months after a coma, when there was almost no hope that he would survive, ”4-year-old Marad told his mother, Iamze, in intensive care!

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GE64BG0000000470458000 GE64BG0000000470458000


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GE42LB0115113036665000 GE42LB0115113036665000


Charity Number: One call saves a life!

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     Two months after the coma, when there was almost no hope
that he will survive, at the intensive care unit, 4-year Marad told his morther
Iamze these words!
For 4 years I was the happiest mother in the World. I gave birth to a beautiful
and healthy son. I was so proud! “Look,” said the poor boy’s mother,
addressing us, “Isn’t he handsome?” And gently presses the beloved
son to her heart…
I do not know who cursed us. Maybe it was human envy. But 10 years ago, a
terrible thing happened – our cart was hit by a huge passenger bus. My love, my
blood, my son, hit his beautiful little head on the cursed stone, – the woman
suddenly began to cry, – and now he is paralyzed.
    But you know, when I hug him, he looks at me like that…! And
says “mama.” Yes, I am his mother. And I am proud of it! And I will
never give up while I live, no matter how hard my own life is! And I believe
God! I believe He will restore my son’s health. Miracles happen, don’t they?
True? – she asked us, crying and looking at us…
Her son, Marad Savadze has been a disabled person of group I for more than 10
years; his body is almost paralyzed; he has undergone craniotomy; he suffers
from epileptic seizures and is unable to speak. The only word he says is
Crying, she told us the sad story: “When the little son was 4 years old,
my husband and Marad were on their way home in the wagon. A passenger bus was
approaching them. The horse was frightened and began to cross the road in
panic. The driver slammed on the brakes, but it was too late. The blow was so
strong that the father and son fell out of the cart – the husband was in the
pit, and my boy hit his head on a stone. Thank God, the bus driver and
passengers jumped out of the car and gave first aid, and then drove them to the
Batumi clinic. In 2 weeks Tamaz came out of the coma, and my son remained in
coma for long 60 days”.
His father got off relatively easily, but lost his ability to work, but doctors
fought for a long time for the salvation of Marad. 4 the most difficult
operations, physical and mental suffering, sleepless nights, waiting for death
– that’s what these people have suffered, trusting only in God! The Lord heard
the mother’s prayer, two months later Marad finally opened his eyes and softly,
barely audibly, said: “Mommy , is that you?” 
– Iamze, tell us please, what was Marad diagnosed with? 
Iamze: His condition after a traumatic brain injury was grave. He had a part of
his skull bone removed, and as a result the boy was paralyzed and retarded in
mental development. 
– You were not socially unprotected then, and how could you pay for operations
and treatment of two people? Did you have any insurance? 
Iamze: No, had no insurance, because in our village there was no such
“service”. I sold my house and paid part of the price, as there was
no other way. In total I had to pay 8 800 lari for the husband and 24 000 lari
for the son. There was nothing else I could do. I decided to write a letter to
“Rustavi 2“ TV Company to take part in the program “Who wants to be a
“And then what?” Was there any positive answer?
Iamze: A miracle happened, I was invited to the program. I have a 10-class
education, but I loved to read and this knowledge helped me a lot. I won the
game and received 20 000 lari. Thank God, it covered all the debt for the
treatment of my dear people. 
– You’re a real heroine! How do you manage to look after two sick people? It
must be extremely difficult…
Iamze: I’m ready to give my soul for them, but our poverty puts a spoke in the
wheel. My husband is so weak that he barely moves; after the injury of his
shoulder and leg he cannot stand for a long time. I do all the hard work about
the house. It’s a mother duty! But certainly my husband helps; he can cook some
porridge for the child or give him medication, or sit with him when I am in the
– What are the main problems of Marad at the moment?
Iamze: His skull is open, without a bone, covered only by the scalp. He needs
an operation which is done abroad. Of course, I have no money for this
expensive operation. In addition, he needs a rehabilitation course and massage
treatments. And now there is another trouble – he was diagnosed with pneumonia.
All our income is spent on medicines and diapers…
– And what is your income?
Iamze: 200 lari of disability pension and 260 lari of social allowance. 
– Do local authorities or relatives help you? 
Iamze: The city hall allocates money for medicines, 150 gel, twice a year and
also pays for our rented accommodation; it annually sends my son to a 10-day
vacation at a resort. Relatives also help. They are wonderful people as being
in need themselves they help to the possible extent and do not forget about us.
For example, they gave us a washing machine and a refrigerator. But we don’t
have a TV. 
– No TV in the 21st century? 
Iamze: My dear, we don’t have many things. The furniture is decrepit, the
bedclothes are torn, the dishes are battered…
– Where did you meet your husband?
Iamze: He’s a house painter. We met at the neighbor’s place where he painted
their windows. We got to talking, and then we met at the country club and fell
in love. For 5 years we lived in prosperity, happily, enjoyed life, raised a child,
but the accident completely destroyed all our plans and put an end to our happy
– Iamze, what is your dream?
Iamze:  Of course, I want my son to regain his feet. But to do this, we
must constantly pray and continue to fight for his life. The first thing is my
everyday chore: I pray, I ask God to have mercy on us, to ease my son’s
plight… But the struggle for his life is getting more difficult every day
because of material needs. I will tell you honestly, I have one dream: to have
a car, at least an old one, at least a “Zhiguli”. You know what I
need this car for? I took my son to Batumi for examination, take him outdoors
or to some camps, so that he would not be in jail and would be able to
communicate with his peers…
– You said that you pray often to God; do you have a Saint that you
particularly adore?
Iamze: When Marad is very ill, Orthodox prayers always come to my aid. I
especially venerate St. Nicholas! Nicholas the Wonderworker is our protector!
When my boy falls asleep, I light him a candle and ask him to give him a
peaceful sleep, to protect him from the scourge of the devil.
Friends, every sorrow has a beginning and an end. And only the grief of a
mother looking at a dying child knows no bounds. This family needs your urgent
help. We must help them, we’re Christians!
Call Iamze, listen about the needs of Marad and cheer her up. You can
personally visit this family and provide assistance, and God will bless you.
And be sure to repost our publication. Let your friends know about the grief of
this poor teenager! It is very important.
Here is the address: Lanchukhtsky Region, the village of Nigvziani, tel.:
Marad needs medicines, hygiene products, food, bed linen and his family needs a
TV-set and household appliances.    
Our Fund account GE15TB7194336080100003, GE42LB0115113036665000 or
GE64BG0000000470458000 (purpose: Marad Shavadze). You can as well transfer
money through our website and terminals NovaTechnology, TBCpay and ExpressPay.
 Find our Fund in “Charity”
section. (You can learn about the additional rights and obligations of the Fund
by following the link
A wise man said: “The best medicine for a person is love and care”
… Someone asked: “And if it doesn’t help?” The sage replied:
“Increase the dose!”

“Mom, is that you?”

So, friends, an article was called on the story of a very, very unhappy Georgian boy Marad, who became disabled due to a fatal accident and for 10 years now suffers more and more for lack of medicines.
Imagine the horror – he – a 4-year-old healthy and handsome boy drove a huge passenger bus. When he was thrown away from this monster, the angel hit his head on a cursed stone, and now is paralyzed for life.
Mom’s grief can not be comforted, but your indifference and the help provided to the family turned out to be a ray of the sun, a breath of clean air! After all, the ways of the Lord are inscrutable. And who knows, if we continue to support the child and pray, he can get up and go “along the road of life”. And mother, like all mothers in this World, believe in miracles. And we at the Fund believe and know such cases. God can do anything!
– Iamze, you asked us to buy medicines for the boy with all the money we collected, we know that you really need them! But look, we also brought you a TV. You said that the only joy for your son is to watch cartoons?
Iamze: You’re just angels! This is an invaluable gift for my son! See, he is trying to smile! Look, look – he is happy! The love of my life, my unhappy boy!
 – And these drugs are very important for him, right?
Iamsee: of course! When I need to choose to buy food or medicine, I always choose medicine! Maradu cannot live a day without them! And now I have a guarantee that he will feel good for at least half a year! This is just happiness for me!
– Tell me, how has your life changed after our publication?
Iamze: Honestly, it’s very difficult and my soul hurts every day more and more! But the help of my compatriots was a discovery for me. Now I am not alone.
-And what helped the most?
Iamsee: Words of empathy!
-How is it?
Iamzk: One very kind woman called me after publication! God bless her soul! Be sure to write about my words !!!
-And what did she say that?
Iamze: She told me her tragedy of life, and I realized that I was not unhappy and not alone in this World of suffering! Imagine, son, this unfortunate woman lost two beloved sons in an accident! She cried told me! “Thank God that you can hug your son every day!” You are a happy woman ”- These words changed my life!
Then I took the Bible and read what God said at the very beginning of the human path: “In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was – God!” Lord, forgive me for my lamentations! Give me happiness to hug and kiss your any child more. Do not take it from me! And now every day I remember this beautiful mother. We are friends with her now! And this is for the rest of my life. This is what the Fund has given me!
Friends, on behalf of our entire Foundation, we sincerely thank you for everything that you do for our beneficiaries. You teach our society to see good. You give people faith when they begin to doubt themselves and support them when they need it most! Indeed, for us and for Georgia there are no strangers’ children and mothers.
And if it’s hard for you because of everyday problems or unresolved issues, get distracted for a second and look at our posts in the FB. Call Imzie and she will comfort you! Our problems are nothing in comparison …! Here it is – real grief! It is in front of your eyes! And thank the Lord for what you have. You are the happiest person in the world! Remember this and help those in need.
Friends, thank you all again!
But the problems of this family do not end, but only just begin. Help this family continue! Call Iamza … Congratulate her on holidays, pray for the recovery of her son. Her grief is our chance to show our kindness to the Almighty and to be happy and pure in front of God in everything!
Our Fund Account is GE15TB7194336080100003, GE42LB0115113036665000 or GE64BG0000000470458000. (Appointment: Shavadze family) You can also transfer money from our website.
You can transfer money from the terminals Nova Technology, TBCpay and ExpressPay. In the charity section, find our Fund. (Additional rights and obligations of the Fund can be found at
Let us think that helping others, we take care of our soul and approach the Lord precisely through the suffering that we experience for others!

Jan 15, 2020
Jan 15, 2020
Jan 15, 2020
fund overhead
Feb 11, 2020

Total expenses:



Thank you, kind heart!
10.02.2020 17:03:20
Thank you, kind heart!
19.01.2020 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
18.01.2020 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
16.01.2020 20:07:49
Thank you, kind heart!
16.01.2020 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
16.01.2020 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
16.11.2019 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
03.11.2019 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
01.11.2019 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
29.10.2019 09:29:14
Thank you, kind heart!
29.10.2019 09:20:02
Thank you, kind heart!
23.10.2019 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
23.10.2019 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
20.10.2019 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
20.10.2019 07:38:44
Thank you, kind heart!
17.10.2019 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
17.10.2019 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
16.10.2019 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
16.10.2019 20:00:00
Thank you, kind heart!
16.10.2019 20:00:00



105 Donors

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105 Donors


They need your help urgently