Список поддержавших проект Barely Escaped the Fire, But Dying from Hunger, Cold, Heat, and Diseases! The Most Unfortunate Ones! It's Our Duty to Ensure These Children Don't Feel Like Outcasts in Their Homeland — Georgia! - Projects - Сhernovetskyi Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Barely Escaped the Fire, But Dying from Hunger, Cold, Heat, and Diseases! The Most Unfortunate Ones! It's Our Duty to Ensure These Children Don't Feel Like Outcasts in Their Homeland — Georgia!

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May 17, 2023
For three months now, Ketevan and her children have been sifting through ashes, hoping to find even a spoon or a plate that survived the fire, but alas, the fire consumed everything! In February 2023, a single spark left the Maziashvili family homeless, adding more problems to their already chaotic lives. Six people were left on the streets. All that remains from their once bitter life are charred walls and ashes...
Charity number:
$ 1,647.86
( 316 Donors )
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This family needs clothes the most. Clothe them, and your soul will be enveloped with God's blessings!
ოზბეგაშვილი შოთა
3 months ago
$ 1.86
7 months ago
$ 7.45
'ხაჩატურ ხაჩატურიან
8 months ago
$ 1.86
მაჩალიკაშვილი მადინა
8 months ago
$ 0.74
რომან ჭიჭინაძე
8 months ago
$ 7.45
'გიორგი თურმანიძე
9 months ago
$ 3.72

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