Project reports Hush, mummy, don't cry so loud...! - Projects - Сhernovetskyi Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Hush, mummy, don't cry so loud...!

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March 12, 2020
We found this whole family in the basement of a house of their neighbors, fat gray rats.
Charity number:
$ 763.06
( 160 Donors )
Project completed!
Little Luke's Happiest Birthday

The Happiest Birthday of Little Luka

The happiest birthday of 9-year-old Luka was March 28, 2020 – on this day, he blew out the candles on a real birthday cake for the first time! You, our readers, helped this little boy to arrange literally a "holiday during the plague"! You are the people who did not pass by someone else's trouble, took it as your own and helped a family that needs both material and moral help and support! Thank you all so much!

Now the sun is shining in the family of Natia Chaladze, a young single mother! And even though it's still drizzling outside, their new rented apartment is still bright with the happy faces and smiles of four little angels:  already familiar to us 9-year-old Luka, his 7-year-old brother Erekle, 4-year-old Mate, and one-year-old Mariam.

– My fellow Georgians and your Fund have changed our lives forever!  Natia repeated these words throughout our conversation… Her voice was trembling, either from tears, or from the great happiness that has filled her home from now on and, we hope, forever…

This unspeakable joy is multiplied tenfold by the fact that we finally got out of the ill-fated basement, in which my children had been living all their lives next to huge rats.

Special thanks to Tamara, unfortunately, I don't know her last name. This woman lives abroad and there, far from home, she read your publication, contacted me and offered to move to a comfortable apartment that she rents here in Tbilisi.

We paid 350 lari for the basement with rats where I had been living with my children all this time. For the same amount, Tamara rented us her four-room apartment. We are here as in Paradise! For the past two weeks we live have been living in an apartment with windows in which the sun is shining! This is what my children really missed in the basement. We breathed freely! Let God bless her!

I don't want to think about our old place even in my worst dreams. We paid 350 lari for a damp room where the linoleum on the floor almost floated in the water…  It was a windowless prison… 

 – Natia, we can only congratulate you on such changes in your life! What else has happened after we published an article about you?

 – Everything has changed… A lot of people learned about us, called and came to us… There was only good, there was no such thing as someone saying "you know, it's hard for you, but it's not better for us...", no one said this or wrote to me… I felt only support.

My classmates learned about my plight from your article! We lost contact with each other after school, and then they read about me and called! They collected 410 lari and transferred it to my card… It was so touching! 

 After publishing about our family, my phone does not stop ringing, and people knock on our door almost every day – God bless everyone! I'm proud to be a Georgian. Neither I nor my children have ever received so many gifts in our entire life!

– And what stands out to you in particular? Do you remember the names of the people who helped you?

People just come and give us gifts and products without telling their names, just leave them at the door… A lot of people don't want to go into the apartment because of this damned coronavirus, because I have small children, but does it matter? The most important thing is that each of them came to us to do good! They came to please my children! Dear friends, this is your merit!

I want to thank all those who helped us after your article and those who could not do it, but wished us well!

Unfortunately, I don't remember the names – so many people came that my head was all mixed up… But every gift, every kind word is imprinted in my heart and in my children's hearts.

One of the most exciting and memorable days was Luka's birthday on March 28. He was 9 years old. On this day, a young girl and two guys came to us and brought a large cake with candles, a lot of food and a gift for the birthday boy – a large box of LEGO!

A married couple who lost their child, God forbid such a grief to anyone in the world – they brought us 100 lari in an envelope, another husband and wife came loaded with food, gave us a children's blanket and toys.

Three young men came from Gori town, probably brothers or cousins: they all had the same last name, Giunashvili. I think they serve at special forces, I don't know for sure... They also brought a lot of food: a bag of flour, vegetables, cereals, clothes for children and even for me. They also left all the money they had in their pocket, about 70 lari.

– Natia, recall please, even without names, the people who helped you.

– I feel uncomfortable that I do not remember the names... For example, there was a young couple, almost of my age. They brought a high chair and a bathtub, a puzzle rug, toys, and a lot of baby food for my one-year-old Mariam. A girl named Natia also brought us a stroller and clothes for Mariam.

Another young couple brought us various goodies from McDonald's. They had a little daughter with them. They also brought brand new clothes for Mariam and toys. Another couple gave Mate a large car, bed linen and groceries.

And the parents of 4 children brought us books, toys and clothes.

A lot of people brought us hygiene products, also called and asked what size of diapers Mariam needed and brought them to us.

– Did the local authorities react to our post in any way? Did they ask about your condition or help you in any way?

– Yes, Gia Benidze and Shorena Gogsadze responded to your post from the government of the Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia. I was given one-time assistance of 150 lari. That's all for now... 

– Tell me about your emotions.

– How can you put it into words… Simply indescribable… To be honest, I did not expect that we would be helped... We were written about on the websites of several charitable foundations, even on TV there was a story about our family, but we did not receive such help as from your Fund and its friends! You work real miracles!

Emotions just went through the roof! People gave us gifts from the heart, brought us all the best, did not spare clothes even for me…

– What does this help and support mean to you personally?

– The desire to struggle with difficulties awoke in me, as if I had woken up from a terrible dream… Now I recalled that I have something to live for and fight for: my children! I had an incentive to look for a job, to strive for a better life…

– Maybe you have any other problems that our readers can help you solve…

– You've already done so much for me! Thanks to you I found new friends and my old friends and acquaintances recalled me… I have nothing more to ask, now I have to pull myself together and go only forward…

But still, I have one request. If it is possible to somehow help me to be allocated a small, but my own apartment… After all, I am a refugee from Abkhazia, my parents were forced to flee their native home after the 1992-93 war and became refugees in their native land… My father is a veteran of the war for the integrity of Georgia, he is a disabled veteran... Can't we have our own corner, because now the state helps refugees and gives them apartments… I am a single mother with many children… Can you help me or at least tell me where and who to contact… 

I don't want to be afraid of being in the street with four kids every day…

– Natia, let me talk to the boys… Luka (9 years old), tell us about your birthday, your mother said that it was a special day for you…

– I've never had such a birthday! I received the biggest cake in the world! We never ate so much sweet things... My mother was even afraid that our stomachs would ache… She doesn't understand anything – how could a cake hurt a stomach? It's the soup that makes my stomach hurt…

– Which of the gifts pleased you the most?

– The new apartment! There is so much light and space, you can even play ball and hide from Erekle and Mate… We were given bicycles and we ride them around the apartment… It's also warm in here…

Now we have a TV and a washing machine… It is so good that we can watch cartoons! And you can hide in the washing machine! Well, of course, when mother does not wash (laughs).

– What did you like, Erekle?

– We had so many gifts that it is difficult for me to choose… I liked everything! We even got hamburgers and french fries from McDonald's! My mother and I have never been to McDonald's… Everything there is probably very expensive, but people did not regret it for us, so they loved us…

You know whet Mate liked the most? The toaster! He now roasts bread in it. Mother cuts it for him, and he puts the bread in there and sits waiting for the pieces to jump out! Isn't Mate funny?

And there is something more! Our mother stated to smile! And she's so beautiful when she smiles… She is the best mother in the world!

Let it always be so – let Natia smile at her children and never be sad again… 


And if you feel heavy at heart because of everyday problems, or unresolved issues, take a moment to look at our posts on FB. Better yet, dial the phone number of any of our beneficiaries. Call him and forget all your problems. Because they are "nothing" compared to those to whom you opened your good heart and came to help in the most difficult moment of his life.

Our problems are nothing compared to theirs! Here it is, a real grief! It is before your eyes! And thank the Lord for what you have. You are the happiest person in the world! Remember this and help those in need.

Unfortunately, the problems of this and other families do not end, so from time to time view the stories of unhappy people on our site, talk to them. Every time you dial the phone of another unfortunate person, you will definitely feel God's blessing on the back side! It is for sure! Keep on helping these families! This is the best service to the Lord!

 Your kindness is a chance to be happy in everything!

Dear friends, thank you so much once again!

Our Fund account GE15TB7194336080100003, GE42LB0115113036665000 or GE64BG0000000470458000 (purpose: Chaladze family). You can also transfer money from our website

You can as well transfer money from the terminals of OPPA, TBCpay and ExpressPay. Find our Fund in "Charity" section. (You can learn about the additional rights and obligations of the Fund by following the link

One call will save a life – 0901 200 270

Let's think that by helping others, we take care of our own souls and draw closer to the Lord through the very sufferings that we experience for others!

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