Список поддержавших проект You are the best and you will manage everything! - Projects - Сhernovetskyi Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

You are the best and you will manage everything!

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December 29, 2015
“My life is divided into the epoch before October 26, 2011 and after that terrible date. That day I left home before dawn. When starting go around working
Charity number:
$ 461.54
( 111 Donors )
Project completed!
ვერა ბენდელიანი
year ago
$ 13.01
ნინო თვალოძე
year ago
$ 3.72
ნანა ბაღაშვილი
year ago
$ 1.86
year ago
$ 1.86
დიანა აბაჯიანი
year ago
$ 3.72
ზურაბ შაიშმელაშვილი
year ago
$ 0.37
#Ill adults

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