Список поддержавших проект Tears silently flow from the eyes of a proud and hardworking old Georgian man broken by a stroke... - Projects - Сhernovetskyi Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Tears silently flow from the eyes of a proud and hardworking old Georgian man broken by a stroke...

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June 8, 2021
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He was the rock of the large and friendly Arkhoshashvili family, which in an instant turned from the happiest into the most unhappy family in Georgia. “Grandpa, grandpa, does it hurt? Why aren't you playing with me? " - the wonderful four-year-old widget Goderdzi tries to talk to his dear grandfather and gently strokes his hand. He hangs around his grandfather's bed and still can't wait for an answer. But he knows from his beloved grandmother Ketino that his grandfather Nodari who is very sick, someday he will tell him a wonderful tale. Oh, he can’t wait...
Charity number:
$ 1,378.89
( 245 Donors )
Project completed!
გიორგი ბაღდავაძე
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$ 1.12
გაგანაშვილი მაკა
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$ 0.37
ქრისტესიაშვილი გიორგი
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$ 7.46
გოგა ჯახია
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$ 3.73
სულაბერიძე აკაკი
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$ 0.37
გლურჯიძე ანა
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$ 3.73

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