Mommy’s baby-boy is 37 - Projects - Сhernovetskyi Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Mommy’s baby-boy is 37

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October 4, 2021
Just imagine what does a mother feel when she sees her 37-year-old son sitting on the floor, rolling his toy car, and humming something into his toy phone...
Charity number:
$ 1,035.03
( 252 Donors )
Project completed!

Just imagine what does a mother feel when she sees her 37-year-old son sitting on the floor, rolling his toy car, and humming something into his toy phone...

  Lord, it hurts mother's heart so much! Long time ago when Tina, took her newborn baby-boy, her Gia, into her arms for the first time, she imagined that he would grow up strong and courageous, that he would achieve success in life and would support her. But fate decided otherwise, and brought cerebral palsy, an incurable disease to him. Now Tina is Gia's only support, without her help he will just disappear in this huge and unknown world, where no one needs him except his mother. An adult man who mentally is like a three-year-old child.

  For the 37 years now, Tinatin’s everyday routine never changes: washing her son, dressing him, feeding, playing, walking, feeding again, washing, putting him to sleep, and never leaving him unattended even for a second. A baby needs round-the-clock care and attention.

  The worst thing in this difficult situation is that they are completely poor and hopeless - they only can count on 350 GEL per month.

Gia's toys

"Come to mommy, don't be afraid, mom is near"

  - Tinatin, as far as I know, there are different forms of cerebral palsy. How does cerebral palsy manifest in Gia?

  Tinatin: You are right, the symptoms of cerebral palsy differ a lot. Giechka, unlike many other patients with cerebral palsy, can walk. But in our case, the disease had impact on his brain development: mentally my son has stuck at the age of three. I noticed Gia's problems when he was ten months old, I took him to the doctor and... (Cries) I will never forget this terrible day, when he was diagnosed with cerebral palsy - it sounded like a sentence. (Tries to calm down)

  - We understand your feelings.

  Tinatin: Sometimes I have an attack of sad thoughts. But no problem, keep asking me. It will pass.

  - Is there any chance to improve Gia’s condition in any way?

  Tinatin: Unfortunately, no. Rehabilitation can help the patients who have motor problems. But in case when the brain is affected... In our case medicine is powerless. A wonderful doctor Levan Vadachkoria consulted us. The only thing that can be done is to accept reality, and to take care of him and give him maximum attention and love.

  - Did you manage to come to terms with this diagnosis? What would you advise the mothers who found themselves in similar situation?

  Tinatin: It is very difficult to come to terms with that. I shed so many tears... It took me a while to accept. But it is necessary to be a realist, to come to terms with disease. Despite everything, thank God for your child, even if he is not like everyone else, he is still yours, you flesh and blood, your gift from God. He just needs more of your time, your love, and your attention. And he will give his love back to you - my son is very affectionate, warm. He puts his head on my chest, and he feels good, comfortable, safe with his mother.

   - What is your daily routine? What does Gia do?

  Tinatin: Every morning, when Giechka wakes up, I first wash him, shave and dress him, then we have breakfast. Gia is very fond of meat and sweets, but this is an unaffordable luxury for us. After that I give him his favorite toys, and I do work around the house. But I never take my eyes off him even for a second since Gia can accidentally hurt himself or swallow something inedible. All the same all day long. In the evening I give him food, wash him, and put him to bed.

“Give me your foot, let’s put on a sock”

"Baby, raise your hands, mom will straighten your T-shirt"

"Now let's wash our face"

"Here is your phone, you can play while I wash."

“Let’s go for a little walk”

“Gia loves to play with water, and he always tries to help me.”

"His favorite pastime is to roll cars"

  - What about your husband, Tina?

  Tinatin: He died. He was far from being the best dad and the best husband. We met when we were young, and we fell in love with each other passionately. I did not pay attention to the fact that he drank a lot then. And after we got married, he started to drink constantly, he did not work, he swore, he often raised his hand against me and the children. He did not care at all that our son was sick. And I endured and hoped that he would change his mind, stop drinking, but alas...

Gia can neither write, nor draw, but his mom always praises him.

“Well-done, dear, it is so nice”

  - Have you ever thought that you would face such problem?

  Tinatin: Of course not. When you are young, when you are just starting your family, you think that problems that you might have will be just insignificant. Because you think you are strong when you are together. And even in a nightmare you won’t imagine that your child will be sick.

  «My love, my breath, my gift from God»

He is as safe as in God's pocket when his mom is near

  - Tinatin, what means do you live on?

  Tinatin: We get 100 gel social allowance and 250 GEL Gia’s disability pension. I had to buy a gas stove on credit because our old one went completely out of order and became dangerous. Now I spend a major part of the amount I get to pay off the loan. There are days when we do not even have flour at home. How can I explain this to Giechka? He is hungry and he does not understand why I do not give him food.

  - Have you ever addressed the state for help?

  Tinatin: I did it many times. I asked them to help us with firewood and medications, but all in vain. It feels like we just don’t exist for them.

  - Does anybody help you? Your relatives or friends?

  Tinatin: Everyone lives their own life. When your child is sick, and you are sick too, you just notice how you relatives start disappearing. As long as you are healthy and can be useful to someone, everyone loves you. But nobody needs you when you have problems! Mariam and Fatima - my daughters - are both married, and they have good husbands. But they can’t help us with anything - they can barely make ends meet. They are worrying about us so much.

  I am not young anymore and I have no idea what to do. How to survive? But I had hope in my soul. I have read many stories by the Fund and many words of gratitude from those whom you have already helped. And I thought, maybe we will get lucky too. I took a chance and wrote you. It’s only you who is always nearby when life gets really hard. God sees everything and He will reward you.

  - You did it right! You really need help! You have no livelihood; you are deprived of any amenities. I see that your roof is completely worn out.

  Tinatin: You are right, dear, this house has not been renovated for a long time. The roof leaks, there are many cracks. It is unbearable to live here in winter. But at least we have our own home. Thanks God there is no need to pay rent.

The roof no longer protects them from the rain

Cement floor

The kitchen fits in one corner

  I really need a washing machine and a TV. I wash laundry with hands - you have no idea how much laundry and things accumulate during a day. We have a small old TV and every day I pray to God to make it turn on. So that Gia does not cry and play up. He is very fond of cartoons, and he gets extremely worried when the TV is silent. (Sighs.)

- Tina, what would you like to ask God about?

  Tinatin: Despite everything, I want to thank the Lord for my son, for my angel sent to me from heaven. And to ask Him to let me to be as long as possible next to Gia. He will get lost without me. And I want my son to be happy in his world, and I want him to feel peaceful and calm in his soul.

‘My son, my sweetheart, be happy in your own world”


  Friends, Tinatin and Gia really need our support. We can save them from the upcoming hungry and freezing winter, from loneliness and isolation. Now they live like hermits, deprived of communication and attention.

  Together we manage to do a lot of good deeds. Now we should focus all our love and warmth on this family. On Tina - a kind, wise woman wounded by life and her little son Gia, who just looks like an adult. Don’t pass by. There are only three really worthy things in this life. To help the one who needs help. To protect the one who is defenseless.  To give hope to the one who has lost it!

  You can visit Tinatin and provide her all possible help. Their address is: Dusheti district, village Milakhvriantkari.

  Please don’t forget to repost our story. Let your friends know about the grief of this family! It’s extremely important!

  Friends, there is one more request - if you know about the misfortune of a neighbor or friend do a godly deed, drop us an email at:

  Our Fund’s accounts are:




  (purpose: Tinatin Chiabrishvili).

  You can also transfer money from our website.

  It is also possible to transfer money from TBCpay and ExpressPay terminals. Find our Fund under "Charity" section (You can read more about rights and responsibilities of the Fund following the link

  We have already helped many disadvantaged people! Let’s support this family too! And who knows, maybe someday we ourselves will need help of strangers!

We have good news for you - now you can read the stories of our beneficiaries on Instagram: Https:// and Telegram:

  One call saves life - 0901 200 270.

#Ill adults

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