Project reports Find six kids in a dark rotten shack - Projects - Сhernovetskyi Fund

Chernovetskyi Charity Fund

Find six kids in a dark rotten shack

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April 14, 2022
This is not even a house, but the skeleton of a house, where you can see all its bones. Only lath remained of the outer walls. This shack is so rotten that you can break off any piece from it with your hand. And it is so dark inside even during the day, that you need to turn on the light to see each other. Light is on all the time - two dim light bulbs. When you stay there for a while, your eyes get used to darkness, and you start to distinguish the faces of the residents. And there are nine of them - six children and three adults. They live in darkness and crampedness.
Charity number:
$ 467.75
( 112 Donors )
Project completed!

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